Thanks for offering a different view and perspective on how you feel about your visit. Not hear to beat a drum for an Agency or provider. Everyone is welcome for the views and thoughts here. ALL ARE WELCONE YIDDY UP

Saw her. Disappointed and couldn’t recommend.

First, her English was horrible. Next, yes her mm boobs were the best part of her but did no one think to comment on her obvious skinny figure? She had no meat anywhere. Super flat ass. And she’s obviously 5-10 years last her photos.

My god, I knew not to do LOL girls again unless there were enough reviews.

Look, I’m not hating on the intel. I get that taste is subjective but even the session was boring AF. I’m still young and look to par myself. I enjoy many of my sessions but this one was lacking. Glad I only did HH.

LOL fell off awhile back. The ratio of good:bad girls have long went upside down and I simply won’t go back unless there’s enough reviews to justify it.