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Thread: Scam - Winter Kay Jackson Visit 11/04/2021

  1. #1
    Registered Male (Not Verified) Brer Rabbit's Avatar
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    Scam - Winter Kay Jackson Visit 11/04/2021

    Title says it all. Rip-off. Stay away.

    Winter Kay is or has been a reputable traveling provider with excellent reviews for several years. Recently she has posted that she will be in Jackson November 4-6. Her post has a rate of $400 per hour, but with a $100 discount for prepay. That would ordinarily be a red flag and a big NO for me.

    Her post here:

    it has been "viewed" over 200 times. I fear there may be other victims here.

    I've never prepaid. But, given her positive reviews, website that has been up for a long time, I fell for the cash and dash, and sent her a pre-paid Visa card for $300.

    Well, after sending that, its been crickets. No replies, no confirmation that our date scheduled for earlier today was "on". No info about location. No apology for no-show or cancellation.

    This is an example of a good provider turned bad. Maybe she has found herself in a need for cash due to something real (health, bills or such). But, this does not justify what amounts to theft, by wire - wire fraud.

    Only after the no-show today did I start checking other websites. I now see on "The Erotic Review" (TER) several rip-off reviews for her with the same scam in other parts of the country, all in October, 2021. Fabulous reviews up until them. I don't know if I'm allowed to cross-post but I'll try:

    This is a shame when good providers go evil on us.

    its a scam. Stay away. My lesson is learned. I just want to protect you guys. Don't fall for it.

    I don't know where to post this. Alerts seems correct. It's not a review because it didn't happen. Mods if this needs to be moved, please put it where it belongs.

    Brer Rabbit
    Last edited by Brer Rabbit; 11-05-2021 at 01:34 PM.
    Chasin those bunny tails!

  2. #2
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Basscat's Avatar
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    Unfortunately this is the norm rather than the exception with paying a deposit or in advance in most instances. A search on the hobby boards will pull up countless instances of this taking place. I learned the hard way myself many years ago to never pay in advance even if you have visited with the lady many times previously (Thanks for the lesson Amazing Dixie). The one who got me I had visited nearly a dozen times previously to her absconding with my payment without rendering services.

    Usually the lady will try and make it out to be the clients fault in some way or have her friends come to her defense making it seem there is no way she would do such a thing. Sadly the truth is once a lady has your money there really is no reason for her to follow through with the session. The money is the only reason she is seeing you period. Once you give her that all your leverage is gone. If a girl is relatively attractive and will sleep with any dude that shows up at her door for money trust me dudes will continue to show up no matter how many threads there are about her robbing guys. Maybe guys going forward wont pay in advance but they will still show up cash in hand willing to give it to her.

    Not to rub salt in a still open wound its simple to avoid by never paying upfront ever. I will still throw a girl a few bucks now and then that I have seen before but never a lot and I totally plan on getting nothing in return for it going forward. I just look at it as a gift that might get me a little better treatment down the road but I never bring it up again not even on the next visit. I show up ready to pay our normal aggreged fee and if they say "oh no you sent me 50 last week when I was in a bind" I tell them its great that they remembered but that was a gift and give them the agreed on full rate. It might be one in ten times that the girl remembers but it does happen now and then. Yes I do this and I am notoriously tight with my hobby funds lol

    Either way it sucks that this happened to you but use it like I did when Amazing Dixie took me and keep it in the back of your mind anytime a girl ask for a deposit or to be paid in advance. (it seems like when they offer a discount for prebooking they are more likely to do this imho) Make it a point to never do it again and I can assure you this will be the very last time it will happen.

    Ladies please dont take my post as calling anyone out or stating that you personally can not be trusted. The only person I can call out is Dixie as she did this to me personally. I am sure there are plenty of ladies who can be trusted I am just saying the only foolproof way of avoiding the same mistake is to not make it in the first place. Other than that you are opening yourself up to the chance that this will happen to you.

  3. #3
    Registered Male (Not Verified)
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    I think its a bit ridiculous that you can't post a negative review unless a date took place, so getting ripped off three hundred bucks isn't considered review worthy? How many other guys wrote a negative review about this happening only to be told "A date didn't take place so there's nothing to review." This is the main reason why I only deal in cash.

  4. #4
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Basscat's Avatar
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    Deez I didnt see anything removed from his post here. You must be talking about over on E. They will not allow alerts to be posted at all and they will remove any review that didnt actually take place to help protect the ladies who do this imho. Yet another reason to completely avoid that place. Here if this happens to you just leave a post like this in the alert section no need to make a review as this carries more weight and is viewable by everyone where the comments in a review would be hidden anyway to those who dont have verified status here or premium access over on E. On E a review of this type would be removed immediately anyways as to protect the lady who is robbing gents under the guise of "we dont allow reviews of sessions that didnt actually take place". Its really hard for a session to take place when the lady has you pay in advance then stops responding to you and keeps your money. Over on E there is absolute no recourse for when this happens since they removed the alert section. I dont even know if you can post about this in the locker room anymore over there.

    Quote Originally Posted by Deeznutz00 View Post
    I think its a bit ridiculous that you can't post a negative review unless a date took place, so getting ripped off three hundred bucks isn't considered review worthy? How many other guys wrote a negative review about this happening only to be told "A date didn't take place so there's nothing to review." This is the main reason why I only deal in cash.

  5. #5
    Registered Male (Not Verified)
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    Lol, it was on E, I posted a review about being ghosted and they didn't approve the post and stating no date took place so there was nothing to report, eff that place.

  6. #6
    Registered Male (Not Verified)
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    She has changed things recently, modified access to her twitter page, etc. I saw her a year or so ago, (along with her regular traveling companion, Kat Vega.) No deposit required and I left happy.

    Something has changed, so proceed with caution.

    Quote Originally Posted by Brer Rabbit View Post
    Title says it all. Rip-off. Stay away.

    Winter Kay is or has been a reputable traveling provider with excellent reviews for several years. Recently she has posted that she will be in Jackson November 4-6. Her post has a rate of $400 per hour, but with a $100 discount for prepay. That would ordinarily be a red flag and a big NO for me.

    Her post here:

    it has been "viewed" over 200 times. I fear there may be other victims here.

    I've never prepaid. But, given her positive reviews, website that has been up for a long time, I fell for the cash and dash, and sent her a pre-paid Visa card for $300.

    Well, after sending that, its been crickets. No replies, no confirmation that our date scheduled for earlier today was "on". No info about location. No apology for no-show or cancellation.

    This is an example of a good provider turned bad. Maybe she has found herself in a need for cash due to something real (health, bills or such). But, this does not justify what amounts to theft, by wire - wire fraud.

    Only after the no-show today did I start checking other websites. I now see on "The Erotic Review" (TER) several rip-off reviews for her with the same scam in other parts of the country, all in October, 2021. Fabulous reviews up until them. I don't know if I'm allowed to cross-post but I'll try:

    This is a shame when good providers go evil on us.

    its a scam. Stay away. My lesson is learned. I just want to protect you guys. Don't fall for it.

    I don't know where to post this. Alerts seems correct. It's not a review because it didn't happen. Mods if this needs to be moved, please put it where it belongs.

    Brer Rabbit

  7. #7
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Basscat's Avatar
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    Yeah that place has become a huge shithole since it the fosta/sesta changes. It was once the best most helpful hobby board around but no longer. It is now of absolutely no use whatsoever for hobby purposes. It does nothing to make the hobby safer or easier. It actually prohibits anything that could be useful but encourages users to implicate themselves in what could one day be used against them legally all the while removing anything from the site that could be used to defend those people with an entrapment defenses.

    Its really suspicious if you ask me and the number one reason I would never incriminate myself there ever again.

    For the life of me I can not figure out why anyone still uses it rather than come here. In all the large hobby markets this site dominates yet here hardly anyone makes use of it especially the ladies. I assure you if the ladies all started using this site to let people know where they are and what days they are working the guys would follow.

    Quote Originally Posted by Deeznutz00 View Post
    Lol, it was on E, I posted a review about being ghosted and they didn't approve the post and stating no date took place so there was nothing to report, eff that place.

  8. #8
    Registered Male (Not Verified) Brer Rabbit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rpmongoose;[URL="tel:1215812"
    1215812[/URL]]She has changed things recently, modified access to her twitter page, etc. I saw her a year or so ago, (along with her regular traveling companion, Kat Vega.) No deposit required and I left happy.

    Something has changed, so proceed with caution.
    I say don't proceed at all. I would never schedule with her even with no deposit. Just a big NO. After what she has done not just to me, but to all the guys who posted the same scam on TER, we should be canceling her - boycotting her. Stated bluntly, what she did is criminal. She should be banned. I understand that P411 and Tryst have already done so.
    Chasin those bunny tails!

  9. #9
    Verified Hobbyist BCD honest_abe's Avatar
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    damn, what a shame.. thanks for the warning..

    never pre-pay though!

  10. #10
    Verified Hobbyist BCD guitar's Avatar
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    Dang B Rabbit, hate that happened to ya. But thanks to places like this, your ALERT can keep me from faceing the same situation. I appreciate all the heads up I can get. Again, sorry for your loss.

  11. #11
    Administrator ck1942's Avatar
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  12. #12
    Registered Male (Not Verified)
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    I inquired about seeing them for doubles. I was unsure how to do a gift card and emailed back I would just go with full price and do cash. Was instantly canceled saying she didn’t like excuses and this wasn’t going to work. Wish I had posted that here now in hindsight. I would be curious to know if anyone actually tried to set up non prepay and actually met them in person this trip

  13. #13
    Registered Male (Not Verified)
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    I reached out to her also but for some reason my gut said stay away.

  14. #14
    Registered Male (Not Verified)
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    I have seen her and Kat together several times. The last time I asked to see them in KC she told me my p411 OK's were too old even though 2 were from her and Kat. I hate it that they went over to the dark side, I had a great time every time I saw them.

  15. #15
    Verified Hobbyist BCD
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    someone I know just got ripped off in colorado. I believe their accounts got hacked and who ever is using their names created emails and websites jut to rip people off using their good reputation. the 2 girls worked a lot in denver. they have quite a few happy regulars including myself, I believe they have retired early 2021!
    I would ask CK1942 to disable their accounts here ... they no longer have access to tob nor can i access their p411

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