I love the responses on this thread!

Doc, it sounds like you should have a full body tattoo of clothes so you can skeedattle without having to slow down! Did they write One Way Out(Allman Bros.) for you?

R2TO, I hope it's a costume! If you need an esthetists help(I didn't know there WAS such a thing!), LMK. You may already know her.

George is correct: don't lead a turd trail into her apt.

OP, I work as a contractor and I started keeping a change of clothes at my shop so I can impress the ladies and not tip off the SO. I have found, tho, that most of the providers understand that people are working around the time they make for hobbying, and work clothes are not offensive. But, take a shower before playtime and then once you have them quivering in anticipation for your next appointment, you can wear your Chewbacca costume, like Risn!