All rligions have their radicals that give the rest a bad name and that is what people cling to and the media exploits. It doent matter if it is Islam, Christianity, atheist, take your pick., all have bad apples that tend to spoil the image of the resst. The big difference is that there is only one that has people that will kill you because you are not of their faith. In addition, they dont car how many of their own they kill to do what they feel is right and just.

The saving grace is that there are those that are becoming willing to rise up against the mullahs and express that they do not believe that jihad is right or just and that living in the dark ages isnt right. They do this at risk of their own lives. Take a look at Iran and what you see there and think how much more you do not see.

As for me, I will walk most any street in houston before i would walk a street in I ran and many other bastions of this idiocy.