Clearance sale! Time to trade in the old O's and roll out the brand new spanking (or would that be fanny spanking?) 2010 models!

Let me help you road test these new and improved, powerful O's. I love to drive, but am perfectly happy in the passenger seat as well. Since this is not only my first ad of the year but also my first ad on this board, I'm going "to save you money!" This week only, mention this ad and you can take $50 off any of my already low ASPD/Home2 posted rates! Yes, that's right, a 2-hour session (my minimum) would only be $200 instead of $250 (or $300 for those poor fools not on here), 3 hours just $300, and a dinner date to talk over your engine requirements with me as dessert only $450!

Please check the calendar on my website for my exact schedule, but unless this Irish mechanic is under a hood revving someone else's motor, I'm generally available incall or out Tue-Sat from noon to 10 p.m. You can schedule a tune-up at 936-232-8590 or through my email.

What are you waiting for? I'm ready to run with the top down fast and furious, or just saunter leisurely through the landscape. Come on, you know you wanna make your friends jealous and get the latest shiny new O today!!!