Review: Chevelle, her motor runs
Date: 20 Feb
Provider: Chevelle
Phone or Pager: 713.334.6501
Email Address:
URL / Website:
City: Houston
State: TX
Area / Address: Galleria Area
Appointment Type:
Provider Category: In-Call
Activities: CBJ, Mish, Froggy, standing doggy
Session Length Scheduled: 1 hour
Fee: $
Total Paid: $
Was Tipping or Upselling an issue? No
Was the Description you were given accurate? Yes
Hair Color and Length: Curly to below shoulders, brunette, bleached Blonde
Age: 3+
Race: White
Perfume/Fragrance: Fresh and all natural
Smoking Status: Could not tell, but no smoke odor
Where did you hear about this provider: Reviews
Provider`s Body: Tall maybe 6', IMHO a great body in every way
What was the Provider's Attitude like? friendly, polite professional
Comments: Friday night and looking for fun. Read the reviews and opted to see if Chevelle was available. Requested anytime between 6 and 10 She had a 10:00 dinner date, so I got there at 8. Dressed in a light white sundress Chevelle welcomed ime nto a two bedroom apparently work studio. Very spartan furnishings throughout. Only a futon on the floor of the living room with a tv.

Placed the donation on the counter as I was led to bedroom #2 and asked to get comfortable. Clean towels were rolled on the bed for a "body rub" but after I undressed, I used one for a pillow and laid down on my back. She returned and lowered the top of her dress revealing IMHO a magnificent set of C/D twins with pale pink areolas and small nipples. A little hand stimulation preceded the oral placement of the cover. CBJ followed for a very few minutes, not the best. She then laid down for mish. She avoided kissing of lips. Kissing of breasts led quickly to her saying that tickles, moving down got only two lick of the clit before she discouraged this activity so on to mish. She has good skills and motion in this area but kept wincing and grimacing so i had to control my strokes. With no kissing or breast sucking and her indications of not really enjoying things, this wasn't going to do it for me so I moved to froggy to limit penetration. She kept checking on the condom, so I said I brought my own and got up and changed out and showed her how well mine fit and she relaxed and stood and bent over the bed for standing doggy. I still had to control my strokes but the nice veiw of her ass and her good motions did the job. Stayed in and continued stroking until all sensation was gone. Dismounted, showered, dressed and returned to the living room to see the two large boxer dogs. The brindle was very docile and practically sleeping. The blaze was very friendly and wanting attention.

Would you recommend this Provider to others? Qualified yes. IMHO she is gorgeous and even with the negatives: no oral at all, I would see her again because she really knows how to move.