I’m just gonna rant for a second no one has to respond to this but..... I have been in the hobby on and off for almost 5 years now and somehow my heart got into the field and was gunned down...

How it all began I was bored one night and decided to look for a play partner and there she was in all her MILFY glory... I messaged her and we met the night she got into town and boy did we go at it... I felt like we were compatible for one another... after all was said and done we kept contact... she called me one day outside of meeting saying that she was in need of help so I sent her money to help... no meeting just to help... she called me crying the next day saying she had no money or place to stay she asks me to get her a room and what do I do.... I get her a room did I think about going up to the room with her.... yes but I didn’t seeing that we did not schedule a time... working 3 jobs I was not able to see her the rest of that week... she called me the next day asking to pay for another night... I tried everything in my power to pay but I could not over the phone so she had to leave... she always complained about transportation so I offered to help fix it, I sent more money to make sure she got back to Austin safely so I could look at the vehicle.....

Every time I tried to see her she would come up with an excuse as to why not to see me... at first it was i was trying to control her then it was she gave me “ special” treatment and did not pay the true price of the service she gave when I saw her lower her prices to less than half of what I paid to see her any time I did... again working 3 jobs I tried to make myself available even taking days off work to help but only to be avoided and when she would answer she would give me a 20 min window to meet her or I wouldn’t see her... and this is when I knew it was bad... she would argue about me not paying even when I would pay for her rooms to stay in and work out of... she would change her mind every 10 min or change my words to make me say I was doing something I wasn’t... she would tell me I could send her payment electronically but only to argue and say that she didn’t and would stop responding.... Yea she cussed me out and said I was immature because I was not going to pay 3 times as much to see her when her ad said something different... no I was not asking for anything extravagant just the basic sexy outfit and a good time.. but again I fell for the Okie Doke and yea I’m not gonna do it again.... Now don’t get me wrong I have met some awesome ladies on here and I enjoy them every time I see them but some how this one got to me in a way I never thought would happen. Pittyful.... Yes I know