Clients always have options when seeing a provider for her services....

A.) He can choose to get services advertised for specific rate.
B.) He can choose to pay the "Select" rate for "Select" services.
C.) He can choose to walk away with out doing neither A or B....

Clients don't be foolish. You have options. Just because you see a lady advertising in multiple sections of an advertising platform doesn't mean she offers both sessions to you at the same time unless you pay her for both sessions.

Now if a lady tells you you have to pay her full hour Massage rate and also her Gfe rate as a separate entity to get the 2 , then I would suggest you just politely walk away.
Most ladies will combine the 2 with no problems if you are a gentlemen at a discounted rate.

Communication is key....
Also realize that people need to be safe when discussing things in person or over the phone or in an e mail...But also realize that a lady needs to be prepared to Accommodate they type of session you are wanting so there are no misunderstandings on either end.

So remember a client is a consumer and consumers have options. Just like in any business, it is the owners responsibility to treat the patron with the upmost respect and follow strict guidelines when conducting business.

This industry is a multifaceted and complex in origin... Be precise in selecting, and happy hobbying....
