I would like to add that as a provider reaching out to another provider for a reference request, please note what site(s) you can be found on. And to make easier, add the link in your correspondence. I don’t just vouch for a gentleman to anyone who contacts me. Otherwise, how am I to know that it is not his GF, SO or just some random snoopy person? I like to make sure the lady is legitimate via web presence and that I can verify her as well. So, if I don’t know you and you don’t note what site you can be found on, my initial reply will be me asking for that information. Then I will do a search to find you. Which takes time and delays my response to the request. I am prompt to reply to reference requests, I just ask that you give me proof of yourself being part of this realm/sisterhood :)
Below is a copy of the template that I use for a reference check. It is actually KinkyKylie’s template and she was kind enough to share it with me. Thank you KK ;)

Hi (Providers Name)

I'm hoping you can help me screen the gentleman below. Have you seen him before and how long ago? Would you see him again? And, any other information you think would be helpful.

ECCIE Handle:
OH2 Handle:

I have ads on Eros & Slixa (in Austin TX as Ava In Austin) and can be found on Switter and Twitter
OH2: Ava in Austin (verified companion)

I will be glad to return the favor in the future. Thank you.
Ava (aka Ava In Austin)