Quote Originally Posted by CautiousExplr View Post
I know. None of this is going to affect me in the short-term, but if they would have done it a month ago it wouldn't have caused so much panic with the holidays. I was already fully scheduled throughout the holidays before it hit so it hasn't affected me at all, but I know it has been stressful on some of the ladies and it could have been handled much better. This is two times in less than a year that they have taken the legs right out from under their user base. I wouldn't think they'll stand for much more.
Okay,.. so I’m gonna play devils advocate (doesn’t mean I agree with what I’m about to say so don’t get your panties in a bunch)
It’s the responsibility of the eccie staff to check with every user, to make sure it’s okay to flip the switch? Keep in mind ladies are not paying for a service, they are using the site for free, that at anytime has the right to cease existence as the owners see fit. It’s not a publicly traded company, so they don’t need to check in with shareholders (members of the forum) to get a vote on the direction of the site.
Also keep in mind all but just a few states, are at will employment states. So if we are keeping this in business terms (as I assume we are since your worried about the ladies incomes being effected) I’m betting the companies most of the gents on the forums work for could just as easily let them go a week before Christmas as well. Without cause, reason or explanation. It’s the way it is,.. be prepared, have a backup plan, and do your best to not live paycheck to paycheck. And,.. please don’t rely on a website that you don’t own to keep food on the table.