Agency/Spa/Club Name, Companion's Handle: Gorgeous Latinas, Arianna
Date of Visit: 4th wk of Nov 2018
Preferred Method of Contact: Text
Phone Number: 346-282-4679
Website, Ad, or Profile URL:
City, State: Houston, Texas
Location: Westchase
Type of Visit: Incall
Was the Appointment On-Time?? Yes
Ethnic/Racial background: Latin
Companion Description: Pictures are better than words. All posted in private.
Meet or Exceed Your Expectations?? Yes
Would you recommend this Agency/Spa?? Yes
Would You Recommend this Companion?? Yes

Public comments:
Disclaimer: Everything written or spoken of in this review or post by the author or characters within the writings is a work of fiction and not statements of truth nor testimony, but for entertainment purpose only.

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