I moved away last year and left the hobby too. During my hiatus and living in BFE where I found no one attractive or interesting... I only dated and slept with one guy. An entire year... I was with this one guy and only a few times. I remember when I was in the hobby I was truly horny (not just saying I was for marketing purposes) a lot. I remember being so horny the two weeks before my cycle that I was like damn! I want to get it on again. I hope I get another appointment request. I was fucking insatiable.

Now I don’t really think about that much, to be honest. One of the last times I was in Austin, I had a blast with my regulars. I was horny as ever, but then when my trip was over I didn’t think about it again much.

What gives? I’m starting to think that the element of danger and excitement added to the thrill of sex and pushed me to the point where I need more stimulation and/or better skilled lovers than what the civvie world can offer!