A little humor for the weekend...

A salesman flew into town for some business, and was looking for some tush. In the cab between the airport and hotel he asked his cabbie if he knew where he could find some action. The driver suggested Granny’s *Whor* House, and dropped his horny fare in front of the place.

The salesman walked into the front door, and saw a sign that provided instructions.

1. Leave $100 on the table.
2. Take off your clothes
3. Step into the next room.

He did as instructed. As he stepped into the next room, stark naked, he noticed that he was in the back alley. The door was locked and he was unable to get back in. He then saw a sign on the wall of the alley that read...

You’ve just been screwed by Granny!

(What kind of goofy site is this? I can say fuck all I want, but I can’t say *****??? Are the word police that prudish?)