Companion's Handle: Danielle D and NickiG
Date of Visit: 2/15
Preferred Method of Contact: Text
Phone Number: Listed
Email Address:
Website, Ad, or Profile URL:
City, State: Austin, Texas
Location: University
Type of Visit: Inn
Was the Appointment On-Time?? Yeee
Activities: Aggressive sloppy head
Scheduled Length of Visit: 30
Donation: Lol
Approximate age of Companion: Both look young in their mid 20s
Hair Color and Length: Soft curls
Smoking Status:
Ethnic/Racial background: Hispanic
Companion Description: Dani is 5ft of pure bliss and Nicki is a cute lil spinner
Meet or Exceed Your Expectations?? Exceeeeded
Would You Recommend this Companion?? Yes

Public comments:
Had to update my review because I had some weird symbols but both girls were a solid 10/10. They greeted me with 2 big beautiful smiles and I immediately knew it would be a great time all smiles and laughs until your playing tug of war with some tonsils.