Insomnia strikes again!

Okay so I saw a review for a provider in which hygiene was mentioned on the men's end as far as them believing they are always clean etc and I can attest that some have not always been as clean as they think every session in the comments section.

So let's discuss some things!

I definitely believe that there are people who are totally unaware of their own scent. Diet is and will always play a huge part in this as well. If you do not regularly shower and simply think a quick rinse before you see someone will fix that, it doesn't. If you work outdoors you should always be showering right before the session for sure. Everyone really should be because regardless you will still sweat between your legs even at a desk job and during this summer it was so damn hot that even on a 30min car ride to a location, I've managed to sweat. I know some ladies don't provide showers but that is their right. Hell I've had guys more times than I can count leave my bathroom with puddles of water all over the floor with zero respect for my space. I'm sure some gentleman also don't want to shower, even when its offered, because they don't want the whooping 5 minutes it takes to wash up to come out of their time or I'm sure there are some who want to be degrading and simply get off on it, who knows. I've definitely had to ask people in the past to shower, had some refuse and be asked to leave. It should be common courtesy to make sure you are as fresh and clean as you can be, just like you want the lady to be.

If you are uncircumcised, it can be very difficult to get good hygiene techniques down if you were never taught or simply don't care enough and don't realize because your head is never down there to be able to tell. But if you are not regularly pulling the foreskin back and cleaning underneath, it will ALWAYS have some kind of smell and nobody wants to slob on a dirty knob, nor do men want to eat/fuck a vagina that leaves them smelling for hours after.

This post is more of a reminder, that EVERYONE should be more self aware and take better care of their personal hygiene and don't assume that you've always stayed on top of it.

Now back to bed for a little bit for me!