Agency/Spa/Club Name, Companion's Handle: SeaShell Spa, SaSa
Date of Visit: 12/23/21
Preferred Method of Contact: Walkin
Phone Number:
Email Address:
Website, Ad, or Profile URL:
City, State: San Antonio, Texas
Location: Thousand Oaks near Perrin Beitel
Type of Visit: Walkin
Was the Appointment On-Time??
Activities: Very light massage, standard L1.
Length of Visit: 30
Donation: 40 Door 60 Tip
Approximate age of Companion: Late 50s
Hair Color and Length: Black / Put up
Smoking Status: No / Couldn't tell
Ethnic/Racial background: Asian
Companion Description: Typical small asian body, could tell her age in her face.
Meet or Exceed Your Expectations?? Barely
Would you recommend this Agency/Spa?? No
Would You Recommend this Companion?? No

Public comments:
The most standard / basic visit you would think for a L1.
Massage wasnt really a massage just very light rubbing w. finger tips.
Gave the "massage" was nice and did provide L1 but nothing more.

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