Companion's Handle: Kaitlyndiorxoxo
Date of Visit: 7/5/2021
Preferred Method of Contact: sms
Phone Number: 832-739-0132
Email Address:
Website, Ad, or Profile URL:!
City, State: Houston, Texas
Location: First at hotel then my house.
Type of Visit: Both
Was the Appointment On-Time?? No
Activities: None
Scheduled Length of Visit: 3 Hours
Approximate age of Companion:
Hair Color and Length:
Smoking Status:
Ethnic/Racial background: White
Companion Description:
Meet or Exceed Your Expectations?? Incredibly dissappointed
Would You Recommend this Companion?? NO

Public comments:
I contacted her at about 9:00 PM and she replied soon thereafter. she was super paranoid about me being a cop and said i have to make a deposit to prove im not one and i did because of her reputation. the original reason i contacted her was i have wanted to see her for years but never could i scheduled for three hours and showed up early because she wanted to get all ready for me, I waited an hour and said if you still plan on doing anything you can make an outcall cause im going home. She texted about the same time as I got home and said she would do an outcall and was 15 minutes away....... I had not even told her what area I live in and its a 40 minute drive from where she told me to go for the incall. about 20 minutes later she texted me saying i think im here after having been given clear and obvious instructions to find my house. i walk outside and cant find her i texted her i dont see you and then said be quiet coming in, she replied that i just made her so uncomfortable. I tried to explain to her im the homeowner and my 24 year old brother rents a room which is right next to the entrance door and people have come in acting a fool before and where we will be is on the opposite side of the house. you would think that someone that advertises how kinky they are and love everything would not be phased by someone sleeping on the opposite side of a 2000 sq foot house.