stop recomment this mafia website sexomercadobcn where the administrators have their brothels and the moderators and users use their positions to exchange free charge services or bare x positives reviews. Is the spanish verson of erotic monkey full of fake profiles, photoshop and mafia working for some girls where they have interest to promote them €€€€ I had to pay a lawyer to stop those guys against me with danger things.

And in Amsterdam the most popular site is who have forum and ****** is another forum

For me Greece is amazing. For the hobby try to avoid the places where prostitution is prosecuted by police (also customers) like France, Norway or Sweden.
UK, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Irleand is not legal but is OK. Police don't disturb.
The Netherlands, Swizerland and Germany prostitution is Legal, so you can show you relaxed.

By the way Europe is Fosta free so you can visit the escort sites without problem, you are not in danger to finish your vacation in Jail.