So I know some folks may not realize this but under no circumstances should anybody be discussing the exact location of another providers incall to anyone. I've had several gentlemen (newer members and established ones), mention a fellow provider who lives/provides close to me, and apparently some have told her the same. While her and I are cool people, you don't know how certain providers act BCD or what's really going on, as far as sharing others location with them. Whether they have a pimp/management of some sorts, or if they fall on hard times and want to turn around and do something stupid. There's a reason the location shared in reviews is supposed to be a general location, because it's a serious safety concern.

And like I mentioned, I'm sure some folks just aren't thinking and didn't have any ill-intent. But some women can be vindictive towards their fellow providers and would be quick to throw someone under the bus, or cause problems for them, that you don't realize because you're seeing a different side of them. Just some food for thought and a friendly reminder to be aware of what it is you're discussing and who you're doing it with.