Tantric massages offering focuses at moving and circulating aroused sexual energy, intimacy, mindfulness, and a celebration of the sensuality throughout the body. Includes worshipping the incredible shaft (known as lingam massage), it is benefited to increase pleasure and sensation plus extra fun. ;)

Looking for gentlemen who like it soft, slow and sensual along with the benefits of receiving massages. I offer deep, Swedish, sporty, hot stones massages as well. I am not typical GFE provider, just think me as your private sexy, nude masseuse at your service. 🖤

Nude Massage only (no favors)
HH 80
HR 120

Massage with CW and happy ending finish (msog allowed)
HH 140
HR 200

Private incall in South Austin off from 35

Text only please- 5l2 4OO 7O6I

I also accept future bookings for this April and May

NO roughing (ie; headfucking)
NO Kissing/DFK
NO pics or vids