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Thread: Message too short error

  1. #1
    Registered Male (Not Verified)
    Join Date
    Apr 2023
    Austin, TX

    Message too short error

    I'm trying to post a review for Paulina (sweet girl - go see her while she is in town). I'm getting an error message and I haven't been able to figure out what is wrong. The error message says:

    > The message you have entered is too short. Please lengthen your message to at least 1 characters.

    - I verified that every field on the form has content.
    - I didn't use any special characters, emojis, ... in any field
    - I verified I'm logged in

    I thought that, in the past, I got past this error by fiddling with the content from the "Private Hidden Comments" section. That doesn't seem to work this time.

    Am I being blocked because I'm not verified? (I've submitted more that the minimum vouches to be verified. I just figured ck is swamped and can't get to it yet.)

    Has anyone else seen this error before and know the solution?

    Also, when I hit the preview button I see a rendering that only contains my title. I tried changing the formatting of dates in the subsequent field. Didn't change anything. I tried various formattings for phone number too. Still - no joy.

    Any ideas?

  2. #2
    Verified Hobbyist BCD dodger's Avatar
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    north west austin
    Do a “copy” of the text. Then save/ finish the review. Go back and see or you can do an edit. If you can, paste the text you copied. If not, make it the first comment. Use “hidden” tags as appropriate
    A provider standing in the shadows once said: "I just can't do civvie sex. I'm too fucking spoiled!" (truth)

    For ladies who can’t be bothered reading profiles: … old guy … long hair and full beard … not a stud muffin … not every woman’s dream … but polite ... very, very gfe, smooching, cuddling ... more smooching

  3. #3
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Anandaman's Avatar
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    Apr 2018
    I've posted the message before a number of times and it should solve your problem. However, with the site not operating fully it's even a bit more of a challenge. I would say that you really can't edit reviews (and posts) now after submitting. However, OH2 now has an "ROS" window to enter that information when you are posting a review. So have that information typed in MSWord, Notes or somewhere else where you can copy and paste it into the ROS window. If something goes wrong you have the information still in your word document.

    But, as I state below, just enter one word into the "public" part first. Then, hit the "Preview" button and see that everything looks ok (as I state below). If the preview does not look right (lots of spaces, etc). Then go check whether the "Activities" and "Description" information needs to be re-typed (or possibly something else). Hit "Preview" again. It should look good/normal now. Then fill in the "ROS" by copying and pasting from your word document. Then, hit the "submit" button.

    You gotta kind of guess which is the "submit" button. You may not be able to see it, but it's a little box on the bottom right to the left of "preview"...

    If you still have questions after reading this, post here your question and I can try to answer here...

    This was posted by another guy. I agree with it and added my comments below that. I post reviews successfully every time - so there must be some way to work-around the gremlins. :-) Here you go...

    I have found that if you start with the bare minimum it seems to work almost every time. And if it doesn't work you've only put in a short amount of time in case everything disappears.

    I have posted this on a couple of different threads, but this is what works for me.
    1. Fill in only required fields (the starred ones). Public comments is required, but I only enter one word.
    2. Submit the review. If it is accepted then...
    3. Click on "Edit your post" in lower right corner and enter the rest of the review.

    My additional comment: Try "previewing" it instead of "submit". If the top part of the review doesn't look normal (usually a lot of spaces), check that the activities and physical descriptions sections are still there. If either disappeared, retype what's missing and try to "preview" again. If all looks normal, go ahead and submit. Then go to no. 3 above. Don't forget to use the "Hide" for the ROS. You can find this when you are editing by using the "Go Advanced".

    Lastly, I recommend to type your review in a Word Document before you start the review. You can cut/paste it into the review and the information will not be lost if something goes wrong.


  4. #4
    Registered Male (Not Verified)
    Join Date
    Apr 2023
    Austin, TX
    Thank you, Anandaman. Your steps led me to something that worked. The public comments seemed to be the field that caused things to break, so my review doesn't have them. Sorry about that everyone.

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