One of the members here has stiffed me for donation.

He says that he will bring $$$ soon, but then told me that extortion is illegal, hinting that he will report me to immigration and then said that his wife works in Hays Co and he doesn't want to involve her, because she will get crazy jealous - hinting that he will involve LE. Then he said he will bring cash soon again and disappeared again.

I am waiting on him to contact me, but I do not hold my breath. That is not a first time this happened to me or to other girls.

What do you think I should do?! I have cut my losses and moved on, but I do want to teach him a lesson and protect other girls from loosing cash, time and nerves because of him. And in turn - this will protect guys too.

Shame on me, for not taking donation of the table and trusting this 60+ male. Shame on me for not being firm on my time and for not kicking him out and letting him finish 30 minutes after his time was up. This is a perfect explanation why do we become clock watchers, why we require deposit and why some of us go bat shit crazy when we getting stiffed for our donation.

