isn't it cool when you just click immediately with a new hobbyist? That elusive chemistry high that can't be faked. What do you think gives YOU chemistry with someone? for me it is almost on a psychic level, like i feel the good energy coming off them as we first start up our session. when i am rubbing their back and ass and legs they make little happy noises and act apprecitive. the conversation flows freely and easily too. the buzz of a good attraction can not be denied . It is so much fun when the buzz is mutual and you both light up with good energy and the exchange is mutual. this is opposed to a black hole of energy, an energy suck. When that happens he just lays there and there is only energy of mine going out out none coming back to me. good chemisty is so important and fun, yet so unpredictable and hard to create when it is not there. what makes u feel like you've got good chemistry and makes u feel the buzz. I love when i can tell he is having a good time and the time flies by. ladies do you know what I mean by a blackhole of energy. sapping your vital juices? let's talk about what makes you feel the buzz of mutual attraction.