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Thread: Diet tips!!!!

  1. #1
    Retired Companion
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    Diet tips!!!!

    I am looking for some diet tips. I gained the "Covid 19" as in I gained 19 pounds....ok,ok it was 22. Anyway, I thought it would be fun to share your favorite diet tips . I need some help here as I love to eat.

    My tip is to get "My Fitness Pal" it's a free app that counts your calories. Also I went to a Doctor who told me he had the perfect diet program. I said "oh tell me,tell me" and he said" push yourself away from the table." ***eyeroll***

  2. #2
    Registered Male (Not Verified)
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    I used to diet but not much success. I’d lose a few and then gain. I joined My Fitness Pal in June 2015 and went from
    210 down to my lowest of 172. I originally started at 229 and tried the protein, fast carb, slow carb plan and lost on that. My weight at 172 wasn’t sustainable for me so I set a goal of about 182-184. I went a period where my hypothyroidism flared up and other issues caused me to go back up to 204. But went back to My Fitness Pal and am now back down to 190. I also do the 16:8 intermittent fasting. MFP does work. Track what you eat, drink lots of water, and exercise. I never gave up any foods or carbs. Just track what you eat. Good luck!

  3. #3
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Oam2.0's Avatar
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    Truth be told, each body is different. Some people can tolerate high quantities of carbohydrates and not gain a pound and others need to follow an extremely strict protocol. Intermittent fasting is very popular. I personally have lost about 20 lbs from fasting alone. But some people do better on fasting than others too.

    At the end of the day, effective weight-loss strategies are going to be what you can tolerate and keep consistent.

    I don't know you, I don't know your body, I don't know your palate or weaknesses. But if I were brand spanking new to the weight-loss game: I'd do the following:

    1) Start fasting 16 hours per day. This usually just means skipping breakfast or dinner. Gradually build up the hours you go without food: 16-18-20-24-30-36-40-44-48. There is a lot of evidence which shows a 48 hour fast is very healthy and puts your body into a nice reset. If you keep yourself busy, you hardly even notice it. Once you body goes without food for a certain amount of time, a process called ketosis occurs in which your body switches its primary fuel source from glycogen stored in the liver to fat stored in you adipose cells. This is a very good thing. However, if you don't keep your electrolytes up, you will develop keto-flu which is no fun and it will make you feel crappy. Keto-Flu can be mitigated by making a solution called snake juice where you mix some baking soda, salt, and potassium chloride into some water and drink it. It tastes like watered down skim milk, but isn't so bad and it will keep you from suffering on long fasts. There is a channel on Youtube called Snake Diet where an angry Canadian yells at you and tells you what to do to lose weight. Its hard, but it is effective. Do what he says, and you will lose weight quickly.

    2) Assuming you have no allergies to most foods, shift your food choices away from carbs. No potato, no cake, no bread, no pasta etc. Focus on eating only vegetables and meat where 80% of your plate are green veggies and the remaining 20% consists of meat. If you are a vegetarian or vegan, you can substitute nuts for animal proteins.

    3)Start doing something to get your body moving. I personally like hiking and swimming. Others like to run or jog, some like to ride a bicycle, hell even a nice gang bang can burn some serious calories. Find something you enjoy doing that gets your heart pumping a little faster than normal and make it a point to do that every day.

    There are millions of formulas and diets and techniques and gimmicks and no shortage of fake gurus all too willing to take your money in exchange for cookie cutter advice. But all effective weight-loss strategies involve elements of the 3 things I posted.

    Good luck on your journey.

  4. #4
    Verified Companion Companion Enticing.Orchid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oam2.0 View Post
    Truth be told, each body is different. Some people can tolerate high quantities of carbohydrates and not gain a pound and others need to follow an extremely strict protocol. Intermittent fasting is very popular. I personally have lost about 20 lbs from fasting alone. But some people do better on fasting than others too.

    At the end of the day, effective weight-loss strategies are going to be what you can tolerate and keep consistent.

    I don't know you, I don't know your body, I don't know your palate or weaknesses. But if I were brand spanking new to the weight-loss game: I'd do the following:

    1) Start fasting 16 hours per day. This usually just means skipping breakfast or dinner. Gradually build up the hours you go without food: 16-18-20-24-30-36-40-44-48. There is a lot of evidence which shows a 48 hour fast is very healthy and puts your body into a nice reset. If you keep yourself busy, you hardly even notice it. Once you body goes without food for a certain amount of time, a process called ketosis occurs in which your body switches its primary fuel source from glycogen stored in the liver to fat stored in you adipose cells. This is a very good thing. However, if you don't keep your electrolytes up, you will develop keto-flu which is no fun and it will make you feel crappy. Keto-Flu can be mitigated by making a solution called snake juice where you mix some baking soda, salt, and potassium chloride into some water and drink it. It tastes like watered down skim milk, but isn't so bad and it will keep you from suffering on long fasts. There is a channel on Youtube called Snake Diet where an angry Canadian yells at you and tells you what to do to lose weight. Its hard, but it is effective. Do what he says, and you will lose weight quickly.

    2) Assuming you have no allergies to most foods, shift your food choices away from carbs. No potato, no cake, no bread, no pasta etc. Focus on eating only vegetables and meat where 80% of your plate are green veggies and the remaining 20% consists of meat. If you are a vegetarian or vegan, you can substitute nuts for animal proteins.

    3)Start doing something to get your body moving. I personally like hiking and swimming. Others like to run or jog, some like to ride a bicycle, hell even a nice gang bang can burn some serious calories. Find something you enjoy doing that gets your heart pumping a little faster than normal and make it a point to do that every day.

    There are millions of formulas and diets and techniques and gimmicks and no shortage of fake gurus all too willing to take your money in exchange for cookie cutter advice. But all effective weight-loss strategies involve elements of the 3 things I posted.

    Good luck on your journey.
    I fast with the 8hr window, moderate my carbs because let’s be honest my ass needs it’s own area code. And I cannot stress this enough diets are only half your battle! Exercise really is the best thing you can do. I bike and it’s more fun then work and the next thing I know I’ve gotten 35 miles that day. Also there’s these hula hoops on Amazon that are weighted and I have to say they are awesome for the middle! Have fun and be safe
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  5. #5
    Verified Hobbyist BCD AlienLifeForm's Avatar
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    I strongly recommend intermittent fasting. I've been using it for a year, only eating between noon and 8pm, and I've lost just over 115lbs. Portion control is also important. Fasting won't do anything if you pig out for 8 hours each day.
    I'm a middle-aged fat man
    That doesn't mean I don't know how to eat pussy like a rock star

  6. #6
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    Here is what has helped me lose 25 lbs since last August and keep it off.
    My work sponsored a weight loss program called Naturally Slim. I highly recommend it and if your insurance will cover it, (its $30.00 per month), its great.

    To summarize, its main points:
    Every meal, eat what you want for 10 min. Stop eating for 5 min and if you are still full, finish eating in another 10 min time frame.
    Eat your favorite food first
    The science behind this is your brain is 15 min behind your tummy. You will eat less.
    Eat anything you want, slowly and cut everything in half or quarters.
    Learn the feeling of a full stomach, despite what your brain says.

    Use 100 calorie or less snacks in between meals. Skinny Pop popcorn works great.
    Don't mindlessly eat when you are bored and don't wait until you are starving.

    Drink at least 60 oz of water daily

    Good luck, PM if you want more details

  7. #7
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    Yup yup, I caught the dang Covid20(Pounds) myself, give or take a few. Grrrr. Working from home and doing things via Zoom were not a helpful addition to the equation, nor was all the uncertainty and dread leading to periods of depression during all this “new normal” shit. I’d blame them closing the gyms but that was only for a little 30 days and I have my own equipment in the garage. Truth be told- I got lazy and well, I’m always hungry lol.

    Now I’m working like mad and steadily losing it. In your 40’s, it isn’t as easy as it used to be. I tried CICO (Calories in calories out) for a few weeks with very little results. I’ve discovered the only thing that works for me personally is Keto- keeping my carbs under 20 a day. I tried doing the 50 a day and nope. The needle didn’t move. I’m not ecstatic about it and would sure love a nice baked potato right about now but I did this to myself with my inability to social distance from the fridge and pantry so it is what it is. I’m also doing IF but frankly, that’s not something I feel like you can just jump right into and be successful. For me, it took about 10 days on Keto to get fat adapted before I could successfully navigate the fasting window. I’ve learned with Keto it’s best to KEEP IT SIMPLE. All the fancy recipes with the almond flour, the fake bake sweets, and the grandiose gestures in the kitchen are great at first but you quickly run out of energy for all that and the costs can be astronomical. A protein with a non starchy veggie side, lots of salads, eggs, handfuls of blueberries and some strawberries. Meal prep. Batch cook. Have what you’re going to eat planned and on hand. This is important no matter what WOE you decide to do. And last but not least, if you’re an alcohol connoisseur, analyze the caloric equation there. Your mixers could potentially contain more sugar than you realize. Check ALL NUTRITIONAL labels for added sugar- they sneak that stuff in everything.

    And of course, there’s that dreaded exercise component to mention lol. Admittedly, I’ve become rather obsessive about it. If you want to check out some really good workouts without monthly subscription fees, check out YouTube. Everything you could want is there. I call it my “poor man’s Peloton” If you don’t want the expense of a trainer, doing videos can not only break up the Monotony of your routine, they can assist you in achieving similar results, assuming you have a grasp on good form. If weight training isn’t your jam, there are some killer HIIt workouts available too- for the treadmill, stationary bike, elliptical, or no equipment at all.
    Last edited by Berry Skyes; 03-10-2021 at 08:21 AM.

  8. #8
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    While we are here, does anyone have any feedback on B-12 and/or Lipolean injections? Those have been suggested to me by several gals I’ve interacted with in the fitness realm and they rave about them but the information available online is rather inconclusive as to their actual impact. Does anyone have personal feedback to share?

  9. #9
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Oam2.0's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Enticing.Orchid View Post
    I fast with the 8hr window, moderate my carbs because let’s be honest my ass needs it’s own area code.
    Enticing Orchids, you are waayyy too critical of your ass. Your bedonakah-donk is wonderful and you should be proud of it. But Kudos on the 35 miles. That's an impressive accomplishment!

  10. #10
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    Thanks everybody! I really appreciate all the advice. Good stuff!!!

    So this happened..


  11. #11
    Verified Hobbyist BCD TStar's Avatar
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    LOL, Ellen
    You can observe a lot by just watching

  12. #12
    Verified Hobbyist BCD slocum's Avatar
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    I did Keto for 10 days in January and lost 5 pounds but I gave it up because I was getting some adverse effects on the bike, especially when doing high intensity stuff like Far West/Ladera repeats. Also, I'd get really hungry during my longer workouts. Maybe that's good, but I didn't like it.

    I'm finding that for me, if I just don't drink any alcohol, I will lose weight. It's about one pound for every five days of 0 ETOH. Unfortunately, that kind of extreme dieting is not sustainable!

    Right now, I'm on the kale diet. At the moment, I'm eating some kale with every meal. It takes me about a week to get through one "bunch" from central market. My goal is to work my way up to two bunches a week, and if it's successful, maybe eventually try for one bunch a day. I'm on week 2 and I'm maintaining, but also I haven't ridden in a week and I drank a martini every day this week to combat a little RW stress. The kale diet isn't a real thing that I know of, just something I came up with after watching some pro cycling YouTube channels.
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  13. #13
    Verified Hobbyist BCD TStar's Avatar
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    So take it from me, Thornton Melon, if you want to look thin, you hang out with fat people.

    -- Rodney Dangerfield as Thornton Melon in "Back to School".
    You can observe a lot by just watching

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by slocum View Post
    I did Keto for 10 days in January and lost 5 pounds but I gave it up because I was getting some adverse effects on the bike, especially when doing high intensity stuff like Far West/Ladera repeats. Also, I'd get really hungry during my longer workouts. Maybe that's good, but I didn't like it.

    I'm finding that for me, if I just don't drink any alcohol, I will lose weight. It's about one pound for every five days of 0 ETOH. Unfortunately, that kind of extreme dieting is not sustainable!

    Right now, I'm on the kale diet. At the moment, I'm eating some kale with every meal. It takes me about a week to get through one "bunch" from central market. My goal is to work my way up to two bunches a week, and if it's successful, maybe eventually try for one bunch a day. I'm on week 2 and I'm maintaining, but also I haven't ridden in a week and I drank a martini every day this week to combat a little RW stress. The kale diet isn't a real thing that I know of, just something I came up with after watching some pro cycling YouTube channels.
    I love kale! It’s actually really easy to grow yourself too. I add it to soups, salads, and smoothies.

  15. #15
    Verified Hobbyist BCD risn2theoccasion2's Avatar
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    I have had good success with GOLO. You don’t have to use their supplements. Their recipes and shopping lists are based on insulin resistance. There’s a new shopping list and suggested recipes each week. Combined with intermittent fasting, you can achieve some great results, and no hunger. You will need to meal prep and cook. Of course, exercise is very important. But any fitness expert who is worth their salt will tell you that proper nutrition and proper eating is 80% of your weight loss success.

    If you choose not to use their supplements, it’s basically cost free. All the best.
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