I have seen pictures in ads and elsewhere and short video clips with men and women that have their eyes closed when licking pussy.

I personally can't function without looking up at the lady and seeing her expressions, and knowing whether she likes the way I'm doing it or not.

If she says she squirts I know how to handle that, if I have my tongue in the honey pot I use the inside of my upper lip to rub the clit at the same time. That way if she does squirt it won't go into my eyes or up my nose. The most it'll do is spray into my mouth and I'll spit it in the sink or....well you know.

Is it just a reaction for others to close your eyes? I'm curious to hear what you have to say.

Ladies having it done do you look down at the person at times? I've noticed alot of times the lady will look at me periodically then her eyes close and her head leans back as she starts moving her hips, and holding the back of my head or holding my ears or the side of my head. Other ladies different reactions.

So what is your take of it? I'd like to hear it.