I grew up watching my dad from a short distance where he would sit on the floor, on an old sheet. Spread out before him was all his brass to polish. Gawd I really do not like the smell of Brasso! Then from a distance I could watch him clean his guns. Gun oil not much better.

So then came a very uncomfortable phone call a couple years ago. Dad wanted to talk about death... he and my mom's wishes. Then on to his collectables ie.. his gun collection. Some of which are very very old. I said to him that I thought he should pass the guns to my oldest son. For one, I don't shoot, an not licensed, have two small children in the house again and so on. I thanked him and said,,, but feel free to let me inherit all the trains : )

I'm a very clumsy person and just have always thought I shouldn't own a gun. It has nothing to do with anything other than me trying to truthful in that I just shouldnt, probably. That's not to say I couldn't pull a trigger in a defense situation because I definitely could. I have no fear there.

It's like we're in a crescendo of sorts, everything and every side getting louder and more violent. I already know my temper and find myself becoming more reclusive. It's hard to out and not get an attitude. I still hold doors for people then turned around and get off by some young millennial in the parking lot. Grrr, then they mean mug you likes it's your fault wtf?

I'm mad because Trump cut my throat with signing those bills. I'm happy he's basically said FU to bad trade deals. I'm glad he wants to cut funding for PP and wants to build up our military.

The far left nut jobs and we'll as the far right religious nuts have caused this. I'm a conservative that doesn't want to vote for most if not all conservative candidates or incumbents. Yet I simply can't NOT vote.

I believe in free enterprise and the right to refuse service to anyone. I think if you want to be a Pastafarian or Moslum or whatever, fine, just don't go pushing your God crap on me. If you are CIS, Trans, Bi, gay or whatever,, everyone should be allowed to marry and be happy. I applaud business that say get over it we have 1 bathroom.. stand in line! If people wanna grow and blow clouds POWER to da Peoples!!! If the crazy nuts in California want to succeed, fine make them live in the bottom half of the state ijs... I think Okla has to many superintendents and people shouldn't get upset if they get plowed down for standing in the road on highways while protesting.

Our children are being indoctrinated and groomed with other people's values. They are kids and don't know or understand the full extent of all their choices or decisions. They only know they wanna get out of class and chant, only to say YA I was there!!!

Did you know,, you have to have a doctors note in order for you to tell daycares they can't eat their carb loaded, processed foods? I shit you not! Ohh I'm gonna hush now..

Well sure plan ahead, think Wannemachers is usually in Oct right?