[QUOTE=Blaze;154532]Get home, feed kiddos, come to my bedroom and turn on news. First it's coverage of Sante Fe and then local on the Bever 911 call. Why does anyone want to hear the 911 of a dying child, why?

I shed a few tears this afternoon because of another school shooting. Young innocent lives lost and an obviously a mentally disturbed child who did the most ultimate horrific thing.

So I'm deep in thought over it all, plus how the news reports it. The staging, the clips of distraught children etc...

Then my email goes off and it's from X about need more gun reforms and providing three links for ME to check out.

Needless to say I replied with true Blaze fashion. I informed the bot or possibly a human how they needed professional help, spamming me even before these children were even buried. I said much much more and it was cold.

The 2nd Amendment works, current gun laws work and you can't always fix crazy. As I write this I'm reminded of how I am becoming desensitized in part to this whole issue. While I do not own own a gun, Im pro NRA and gun rights. It's like I've become a person who can't even entertain a conversation of reform because why do we need laws for laws?

Still yet, had that child not gained possession of his father's guns,, he still would have blown shit up!

We live in a world where children do not respect guns or the rules of gun handling. When are parents or caregivers going to protect their guns? When are they going to be responsible with ownership. When when when?

I remember going to school and trucks having gun racks, plus sometimes there were actually guns on them. I wss raised in the country and gree up around hand guns, riffles, and shotguns. I got my first BB gun when I wss like 7yrs old. I never once consisered even looking at either one of my parents guns without permission, much less breathe on one of them. I knew where they were put out at night or when we left the house. My son was raised the same with his arsonal.

Why do they muddle the facts with these shootings? Normal people and most people with mental issues do NOT do these things. A person who does, has issues most of us can't wrap our heads around. Even a two yr old will develope a plan and scale a high rise to get that thing it wants....

Rant over.[/QUOTE

Thank you !! We need more common sense people like you in this country.. Let me add, you are not becoming de-sensitized! You just are not involving yourself In the sensationalism of it all.