Quote Originally Posted by YssupRider View Post
I don’t understand how racism has anything to do with this. I suppose some people feel any new gun regsmwould make them more vulnerable against the khaki invaders, but if I’m not mistaken, guns don’t care the ethnicity of their targets.
The Blind Leading The Blind......Cannot BELIEVE the 'Seguin, Tx. Church Shooting' hasn't been mentioned! That SICKO had a Mental Rap Sheet a MILE LONG!!! Especially while in YOUR Government's MILITARY!!! Your Government NEVER reported it to be acknowledged by the FBI's NICS SYSTEM!! A NEW LAW??!! FOR WHAT??? Its very OBVIOUS you Libs still DON"T GET IT as per what is required in a Background Check to purchase a Firearm. IF the LOCAL/STATE/FEDERAL Governments ARE NOT Forwarding the pertinent background on a person to THE NICS SYSTEM, etc, etc, etc....THEN HOW is a SICKO going to be BLOCKED?? The OTHER BIGGIE that NO ONE has mentioned in this 'Thread' is the FACT that this IDIOT at Sante Fe had a 'HANDGUN'. The IDIOT was UNDER 21,....THEREFORE, his Parents/Guardians ARE solely RESPONSIBLE for 'His Actions'!!!! If I'm not mistaken, IN EVERY ONE of these SICKO SHOOTINGS, there was ALREADY SUFFICIENT LE KNOWLEDGE, etc, making EVERY ONE OF THESE IDIOTS sufficiently SUSPECT to THE HILT,...PRIOR TO...the ACT!!