Quote Originally Posted by Austin Ellen View Post
My man - the Donald- is rocking and rolling and getting shit done!! I love it!!
3 American hostages -- Rocket Man is just moving some pawns. Rocket Man plays checkers (with chess pieces, don't ask); the Dotard is packing his tiddlywinks set for the big date. It's a custom-made set, for little hands.

Top 5 ISIS -- I'm too lazy to look it up or compare to others, so...Bravo, Dotard. Bravo.

Ended Iran deal -- And replaced it with what? The Dotard is good at blowing up deals and replacing with nothing. Too soon to tell how his "strategy" will impact U.S.

Date with Rocket Man -- I bet both of these characters are NCNSers. Too soon to tell. Possible Nobel Prize, or they may just pee on each other. Any celebration at this point is premature.

Unemployment (and stock market and other economic indicators) -- continuation of a trend. The Dotard is enjoying some sloppy seconds.

Where's the better, cheaper healthcare that is supposed to replace Obamacare?
How about that Wall, paid for by Mexico?
What happened to draining the swamp? Why is Pruitt still there? I'm sure someone else, who can fly coach and doesn't need a Cone of Silence in his office, can turn our national parks into landfills.

The Dotard is kicking ass in judicial appointments. For those who don't enjoy FOSTA-SESTA, your man is setting up a theocracy (probably unknowingly).

Hill -- she lost, and her loss gave us the Dotard. She needs to stay out of politics for the foreseeable future.

Impeachment -- Pence as president would accelerate the theocracy. Be careful what you wish for.