Thank you to Austin Ellen ( you have always been such a doll ), Dara (who is on my TO DO list), Rustyballs ( your mouth is fucking magical ), and last but not least KBF ( My new friend and probably one of the sweetest girls I’ve ever met ) thank you for all your complements
All of you know me by now I’m not a bully I just stand up for what I believe in and call out bullshit I’ve always been like that I will always be like this this is who I am and I’m not going to change for anybody! And believe me the girls have taking PLENTY OF shots at me plenty And on several different occasions! The men have done the same. I wouldn’t have a problem if the rumors are true call me out shit. Just don’t lie on me! I’m wishing everybody on this thread a merry Christmas even you castle I hope all y’all‘s wishes and dreams come true.