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Thread: How is SESTA affecting you guys?

  1. #1
    Verified Companion Companion
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    How is SESTA affecting you guys?

    Us ladies have been very vocal about losing advertising avenues. But how do you gentlemen feel it is affecting how you will hobby going forward? Do you need reviews before seeing a lady, but would you feel uncomfortable writing reviews now?
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  2. #2
    Guide Chihuahua on hiatus (retired)
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    Seclusion in the deep, dark, spooky woods north of Houston at the Irish Chihuahua Refuge.
    Not that you asked for a companion's opinion, but with the current legal shenanigans brewing, numerous fellows are expressing reluctance to write amorous accounts now, and some ladies don't want graphic tales of tail anymore, either.

    Makes it very difficult with sites vanishing. Many ladies lost their reviews and have little way of proving they are well-established and reputable, and those who depend on a fellow's reviews for research or promotion are out of luck. Gentlemen may have more difficulty with screening after losing their online histories.

    There's a widening ripple effect for everyone.
    Last edited by Fancyinheels; 04-10-2018 at 09:52 AM.

  3. #3
    Verified Companion Companion
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    Companions welcome too! :)

    I've always struggled with not having a ton of reviews because the guys that want to see me (usually for dinner dates) like to read reviews but do not like to write reviews. I did save mine from Eccie and they are available upon request.
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  4. #4
    Verified Hobbyist BCD
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    I will limit my play time to 3 ladies, a couple of my go to rub and tug shacks, and an occasional visit to the strip clubs. Might write reviews on the tug shacks, but probably not the ladies.

  5. #5
    Verified Hobbyist BCD myprototype's Avatar
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    i would

    like to see a couple of reviews first..
    just so i know what to expect.

  6. #6
    Verified Companion Companion
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    Seeing reviews first?

    hey babe, I can understand that, I hope you ALL don't have that philosophy or no one will ever get some!

    Where are you going to look for reviews now?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by AsianLicker View Post
    I will limit my play time to 3 ladies, a couple of my go to rub and tug shacks, and an occasional visit to the strip clubs. Might write reviews on the tug shacks, but probably not the ladies.
    Some lucky ladies that won your attention before all this went down!
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  7. #7
    Verified Hobbyist BCD TinMan's Avatar
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    One good thing (silver lining around a very dark cloud) about my preferred review site going dark, is that my 100 reviews went along with it. While that helped me pass screening with a lot of ladies, I want to see how this new law shakes out before I have that kind of profile again.

    I’m ok with getting a simple recommendation from guys I trust, vs detailed reviews that may be made up anyway.

  8. #8
    Verified Companion Companion
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    I'm sure we can't be on here advertising and then also have a "no review" policy.... but in the current climate I see a lot of value in not being reviewed and just letting word of mouth catch on.
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  9. #9
    Verified Hobbyist BCD pyramider's Avatar
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    I thinck its going to negatively affect the ladies more than the ********s. Some are just too dependent on reading the reviews. I had over 300 on icky, some I actually saw the lady. But I also thinck this siesta will be challenged in the courts. This is far from over ... my provider persona wants her reviews back.

  10. #10
    Verified Hobbyist BCD
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    I generally do kinky/fetish sessions mostly anyway, so my shenanigans often aren't even illegal
    to begin with. The hard part without online boards is finding/screening both for mutual interests
    and dependability.

    It was on NPR yesterday, that because Backpage was altering/disguising child sex ads, instead of
    blocking or reporting them, that they estimate BP was complicit in 73% of the child trafficking cases
    filed worldwide over the last six years. Backpage literally fucked it up for everyone.

  11. #11
    Verified Hobbyist BCD
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    I saved contact info on those I've seen already so that's good. I'll miss eccie when it comes to looking for new providers and sharing info on reviews and such. In Ft. Worth the quantity isn't as varied as Dallas so those reviews and info were even more valuable in not wasting time and being safe.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by volantsolo View Post
    It was on NPR yesterday, that because Backpage was altering/disguising child sex ads, instead of
    blocking or reporting them, that they estimate BP was complicit in 73% of the child trafficking cases
    filed worldwide over the last six years. Backpage literally fucked it up for everyone.
    Did BP not have somewhere on the order of 73% of the ****** ad dollars?
    That figure has the same credibility as the allegation that 100K trafficed, underage girls were in Dallas for Superbowl weekend. Where there's government money involved, figures swell like the federal deficit.

    Now as to SESTA, since almost all my notes and contact info were on my User CP on eccie, I am kinda fucked. Or not fucked.

  13. #13
    Registered Male (Not Verified)
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    Angry My $.02

    Losing BP and particularly ECCIE is a gut-punch, no doubt about that, even more so in a small market like I live in (MS-AL-FL Gulf Coast). We had a decent ECCIE presence and so far, very few of those ladies have surfaced. I had 12 or 13 reviews, and I don't like losing those, same goes for being able to read reviews when I'm shopping for someone new. It's particularly irritating when I'm traveling. Locally I have contact information for a few of my regular and long-term ladies, so that's all good, but I'm spending a lot of time in CA lately, and Nightshift is gone too. I'm driving out there next month, and I was planning on hobbying my way across the country and back, going to be a lot harder now. Luckily I made contact with a lady in DWF, my first stop, before the sites went down, so I'm good there. The rest of the trip......not so much.

    The thing that irritates me is the blatant stupidity behind the whole thing. They say it's to combat/fight/eliminate trafficking in underage girls (boys too I guess). Bullshit!! I'm as much opposed to victimizing children as anyone on this planet, it's one of the reasons that I pretty much always stuck with 30+ providers, but this will only make things worse for the trafficking victims. It will push the whole thing even deeper into the shadows and in the process impact a lot of adult providers who are depending on this activity for their livelihood. It will make thing LESS safe, not more so. The demand isn't going away, it'll just be riskier now. I've seen this before on a smaller scale when the old SFRedbook website in CA was shut down (seized by the feds) in the early 2000's. Lots of providers were left with only one option back then, they had to go out onto the streets. At least one lady that I used to see regularly when I lived out there was killed as a direct result. I'm sure there were more.

    If the goal was truly to reduce or eliminate trafficking, legalization or de-criminalization of prostitution would be the logical choice, but that would not satisfy the puritans and those who ***** for their votes.

    Damn!! Now I'm all pissed off!!!

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Easy Does It View Post
    The thing that irritates me is the blatant stupidity behind the whole thing. They say it's to combat/fight/eliminate trafficking in underage girls (boys too I guess). Bullshit!! I'm as much opposed to victimizing children as anyone on this planet, it's one of the reasons that I pretty much always stuck with 30+ providers, but this will only make things worse for the trafficking victims. It will push the whole thing even deeper into the shadows and in the process impact a lot of adult providers who are depending on this activity for their livelihood. It will make thing LESS safe, not more so. The demand isn't going away, it'll just be riskier now. ...
    If the goal was truly to reduce or eliminate trafficking, legalization or de-criminalization of prostitution would be the logical choice, but that would not satisfy the puritans and those who ***** for their votes.

    Damn!! Now I'm all pissed off!!!
    Absolute agreement.

    Legalize it, license it, zone it, tax it. Works just fine in Nevada.

  15. #15
    Verified Hobbyist BCD
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    I'm guessing its a political/funding trick. They're lumping all sex work into "trafficking" to try and leverage more dollars in the budget because everyone wants to fund the agencies that are stopping exploitation of underage girls/boys, or anyone forced into servitude. Hell, I'll help that effort myself any way I can. But I'm betting there's not that much actual "trafficking" going on so they pool all sex work into one bucket to make their numbers look higher so they can get bigger budgets, etc.
    They are harming their ability to target actual trafficking in my opinion by 1) diluting the issue and confusing run-of-the-mill sex work with exploitive trafficking, and 2) driving that actual trafficking further underground.

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