Exclusively upscale, highly private and selective Dreams Escort Service caters to the executive class man, women or couple who desire female escort companionship which stimulates their mind, soul and body. We are highly sensitive to your discretional needs as a private (public) figure who's highly respected persona which you have invested years can not afford any hint of impropriety. Your personal and very private entertainment needs are just that "personal" and at Dreams Harrisburg Escort Service we work tirelessly to keep it that way. To insure the integrity of our business and you're safety should you become a frequenter, all prospective clients are thoroughly vetted prior to any association. Thus, we can GUARANTEE the utmost in safety, security and discretion for all parties concerned. Superior total package "Escort Companion" services for when quality and integrity matter!

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Dreams Escorts & Divine Companions: The premier choice for professional individuals and couples.Follow us on Twitter
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ALLISON: Blue eye, redhead Irish lass. Based out of Baltimore MD.

LILY: Asian American mix. Based out of Baltimore, MD

AREAS OF OPERATION: Harrisburg - York Washington, DC; Northern Virginia; Maryland; and south of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
Click here for a more detailed service area map.

PLEASE NOTE: All of our associates operate within a 1.5 hour radius in these areas rather than at a single location. To find an associate's service area, check the map on their profile.

To make an appointment, you MUST hold a client code from Fantasys Client Screening, NO EXCEPTIONS. Don't have one? Get one here!


SERVICE AREAS: Gettysburg -York PA - Baltimore - Frederick, MD
Penelope: Our exotic east Indian with the body of a goddess and a mind of a librarian.

SERVICE AREAS: Baltimore - York PA
Allison: A devilishly clever and bawdy wit which will make you smile once you've been captivated by those piercing blue eyes and flowing locks of red hair.


SERVICE AREAS: Bedford, PA - Chambersburg PA - Frederick, MD - Leesburg, VA
Claire: Our statuesque mature blonde.

SERVICE AREAS: Harrisburg, PA - Chambersburg, PA - Frederick, MD
Tara: The little southern blonde cheerleader. So sweet, she'll put you into a diabetic coma.

SERVICE AREAS: Harrisburg - Elizabethtown - York PA
Kate: Our forty and fabulous athletic blonde.

SERVICE AREAS:York PA - Baltimore - BWI -Washington DC
Lily: This Asian American mix is a leg man's dream.

SERVICE AREAS: Baltimore - Timonium - Frederick
Dahlia: The epitome of a classic traditional Indian woman.

GOT QUESTIONS: Before you ask or e-mail take the time to READ here:

“A good day at Dreams is not defined by the amount of money we make, but the amount of customer loyalty we create.“
~Lee Dreams
