You're attracted to it, like a bee to a flower, you need it, you want it, crave it! What do people desire more than sex?! Touch-Intimacy! Any can have their carnal adult needs met, it’s just a club cover charge, click, or phone call away! Sheer physical intimacy can be virtually unattainable. Intimacy is not about sex, it’s about reaching to a person’s heart by touching their body. Many are unable or unwilling to allow enjoyment of the moment to take over and possibly leave them vulnerable. Some are incapable to even connect to anyone in a tender, loving, or compassionate world.

However, a massage is a complimentary therapy that when provided with knowledge, love, and care can evoke many beneficial changes within the body, mind, and spirit of the person! It does not matter who you are, what you look like, what your life story is. We all need touch! Yes, we all need the personal connection. A sensual massage offers your body a host of benefits both physical and emotional. It allows you to deeply relax quietly with no expectations be in complete divine harmony with your body and the moment.

If your looking for a way to untangle yourself from life’s tensions, frustrations, and pressure, then take advantage of one of my full body sensual massages. Allow my fingers to glide across your body and melt away the built up stress. Put aside all worries and responsibilities. Take the time to truly savor the entire sensual process. Bask in the incredible overwhelming euphoric feeling engulfing your body and take in the entire erotic experience.

If you choose me as your provider, I guarantee you will be treated with the utmost respect, tenderness, and compassion that can be conveyed with touch.

** One of Austin's Favorite FBSM Sweethearts - complete bliss is as close as my fingertips!** Tried and true with nothing but glowing fantasy reviews! Just do a search, Sensual Kneads or Brandi Rogers

[u]SPECIAL</span> <span style="color:#9932CC">valid for ALL friends, new or old 45 min Sensual Kneading Session 45 min 120 offer valid this weekend ONLY

To book a sensual session or to view more information, rates, pics etc. please visit my little piece of the world wide web
Sensual Kneads Website