The charming and hedonistic siren Jeaneth is awaiting your pleasure…gifted with a sublime touch, a petite lithesome body, and a spicy imagination...a sensualists dream.


Surrender to the touch of a woman who knows that pleasure is limitless when guided by the right seductress, and finding the edges is a skill for the most experienced of guides. Gentle may be your zone, firm may be your pleasure, but finding the mix of joy and relaxation is the bliss I seek and that we'll find together.

Abandon yourself to my hands, expand your own inspiration by seeking to share your touch with me. There are no bad choices when we are in each other's arms.


Screening is required. Message me and send three (3) of your recent references from established service providers and your review board "handle" if you have one. or (832) 518-6693


Canceling the same day will immediately put you on my block list. My time is as important as yours. I will make sure I'm always on time.
