So the other day I picked up a hot piece of pussy from the newest and greatest club going now called Eve, the old Fox Hollow. Fine yella thing with good hair. So I’m laying over at my OG house after I just laid the wood to this fine byotch in post orgasmic bliss and my OG knocks on my door. Like whenever he says move I move because he takes great care of me and this ain’t someone you say no to. Shine da great, take me to foxxy. Ok. So I get up, make the girl get dressed and go get the keys to my OG maybach. So I drive him to foxxy and low and behold them mofos are closed on a Tuesday. So I first call all my Eccie mod patnas to ask them what’s going on but I finally get an answer from another connect. Their bill is high so we might have seen the last of a legend. Damn, I feel like foxxys is my baby I’ve shot enough nut in there on the carpets, walls, table cloths and chairs. You know, marking my territory. I’ll keep you’ll posted. Tooodlez...