Hi yall... I hate that I'm not available right now because of some family stuff but I did want to pass this along...

It's the month of April and I understand that a lot of police departments, etc., are revving up their vice activities to justify their budgets. I want to relay to you something I heard from a fellow provider here in town. This incident happened last week and she called yesterday to tell me this story...

She went to an outcall appointment in Clinton. Before they started the guy kept asking her if he would be "satisfied" and "happy." She said she had a feeling what he was getting at but never said more than yes, he would enjoy the rubdown. She told him to undress how much he was comfortable and started gathering her oil, etc.

At that time another man came in the room and identified himself as being from the Hinds Co. Sheriff's Dept. They particularly were asking about drugs, if she had any or if she knew anybody who had any. They also mentioned the names of a few local providers and asked if she knew if any of them were involved with drugs.

They also asked for her email address to use as a reference. They did not book her but asked her to contact them if she ran into anyone with drugs. They then took her outside to a Sheriff Dept truck because they had another appointment. She later learned it was a touring girl from Texas (probably CL), but no other details.

Long story short, check, check, check references and verify providers. Particularly at this time it's crucial to talk to the reference, not just recognize the email address. Guys, please be willing to help the ladies out with this!

Girls, send me a PM if you need more info.

All for smooching in safety!!


Life is not measured by the breaths we take... but by the moments that take our breath away!
