Greetings, pleasure seekers!

What’s the deal with sounding, anyway? Is really a pleasurable sensation? Does it actually intensify physical gratification? It sounds like something that could result in a visit to the emergency room if not done VERY carefully, so I wonder about the risk/reward ratio.

The thing is, sometimes I like to color outside the lines, if you know what I mean. I’m not really hard-core into the whole BDSM “thing”, yet there are aspects to it that really turn me on. I’m kind of a baby when it comes to pain, but the whole idea of feeling sexually helpless and at the mercy of a strong, confident woman (or two) really resonates deep within me.

Anyway, that’s my long-winded way of saying that I’m curious about the practice and wondering if anyone in this community is into it (either as a giver or receiver) and might be willing to share insights...

Thanks and blessings to you all!

— LoveMonger