Most providers know that the (NORM) in all other cities is not the (NORM) in Midland for sure.
Number 1 hotels are cheaper on the weekend than mid week.
Number 2 pre booking is almost impossible. pretty true for all cities in the West Texas Forum. But Midland they TRULY CAN'T the other cities the just don't.
What I was wondering about was SPRING BREAK. I normally avoid a city if they are in the middle of spring break. How ever on accident I planned my MID WEEK VISIT THE WEEK OF SPRING BREAK...UGH... I almost cancelled when I found out.
Men can maneuver from a boss an hr or 2 can even wench away from a S.O. but kids on spring break! 19 yrs of experience (has learned me) LOL Stay away during that time worst time of the year hands down. You can never judge a city when it is spring break.
Surprisingly rooms where not 300 a night so...….. made me wonder...
Men does Spring Break effect your play time? Harder to get away?