updated today - 2/25/09

for those who have previously read this, there's nothing new.

Others, it may be of interest, especially how to let others in the greater aspd community know about home2 so they can stay in touch during the black out.

= = = = =

In response to all who have asked or commented about the future of home2 ... the intent remains that it stay an adjunct to aspd primarily for the folks who attend meet-n-greets (socials) because it offers those members a way to stay a bit more private.

Having tested the proposed new aspd software package last year, I can honestly state that that new aspd package is more robust in many ways than the package here...but home2 does have some features that are equal to or better than what aspd will have when it is restored and updated, which I am confident will happen when it is time. I wish I knew and could say when that will be. Plus home2 offers an additional communications channel in case the primary falters.

Patience is about all I can counsel at this point, plus concentrate on having fun and on keeping our community cohesive, calm and collected.

Gents, if you have any spare play dollars hoarded away, no is the time to share the wealth.

Ladies, I know there is a lot of pressure to cut rates or even raise them...and I cannot be judgmental on that evolution... but may I suggest adding minutes to the basic hour as an incentive for rewarding those invited into your boudoir.

If you know personally any legitimate members on aspd who have not found their way to home2 as yet, please give them these data so we can keep them in the loop during the black out:

Please REGISTER an account at


Registration requires that you must use your current aspd data, including

-- your current aspd user name

-- the current email address in your aspd profile

Please read Home2 registration page for more information. All registrations must be validated against the aspd data file, which takes some time. Patience, please, during the registration and validation process.

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For the Record

ASPD Update

As all here most likely know, ASPD was trashed Saturday night (Feb. 8 - the board owner was in control (as of Sunday morning) and processes are underway to make sure the recovery and total restoration of all data base files is complete and secure. The board will be unavailable until that security is assured.

Despite what some have posted elsewhere, zero member personal data was compromised because

1) aspd doesn't collect any personal data beyond that which a member offers -- the member's mailing address and handle.

2) the password data base is separated from the normal data bases and is not accessible to staff.

3) paid member's personal data is not received by ASPD staff - never! Unless the member is asked by Support to verify a payment by supplying an edited receipt.

No credit card info, because that is kept by the intermediary Verotel/ticketsclub.

No checks, only money orders, and those are anonymous, with only a user profile name on them to connect them to the user account.

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Folks, if you have suspicions about "culprits," please keep those off the board; please put no links in here either as one never knows who is at the end of a link capturing who knows what data!

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