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Thread: Wuhan Coronovirus 2019-nCoV

  1. #1
    Registered Male (Not Verified)
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    Wuhan Coronovirus 2019-nCoV

    Have y'all been following this epidemic out of China? The virus is 70% genetically related to the virus that caused SARS in 2003. There are, as of this writing, 2,116 confirmed cases (that's confirmed by PCR in a lab, not suspected) and 56 deaths. It has reached France and the USA, with 3 cases in Washington state, Chicago & just today, Orange County, California. It appears to be easily transmissible, airborne and it takes more than a week before you show symptoms, during which time it can be spread to many more people.

    What do you think?

  2. #2
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Oam2.0's Avatar
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    Its scary. But if you look at the number of people who have it and the number who survive, its not the end of the world. Its a corona virus, so is the common cold. Take basic precautions are you would during flu season: wash your hands thoroughly and often and always before you eat. Cover your mouth when you sneeze or cough. Don't touch your face or eyes.

    Having lived in China for a long time, I can tell you the state of public health in China is abysmally poor. We don't even have soap in bathrooms. People don't cover their mouths when they sneeze or cough. People keep meat out in hot, humid conditions for hours until it is sold. People "recycle" oil from sewers. China is a fucking disgusting place. So it is no wonder that a common virus mutated and found many new hosts.

    But just don't let it get to your head. The media often sensationalizes everything. They need clicks.

  3. #3
    Registered Male (Not Verified)
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    Well. CDC sure as hell dropped the ball here. Better hope that 3rd lab test was a false positive.

  4. #4
    Verified Hobbyist BCD
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    CDC estimates that, from October 1, 2019, through February 22, 2020, there have been 18,000 - 46,000 flu deaths. I'm just saying, as of right now, you are more apt to die from a tainted taco or smothered by a fat chick in San Antonio than 2019-nCov.

    The media is the last place you should go for accurate information. And don't be surprised the larger story is not being told about shit hole China where this started. The place is absolutely disgusting!

    Here is an one to event to ponder from a China traveler:

    When my wife and I got off the plane, 18 years ago, to adopt our first daughter, we were taken aback by the split pants. Split pants are (or at least were, back then) pants the children wear that are open in the crotch area. That allows them to urinate or defecate unobstructed, onto the street or wherever they may be. The theory is that eventually they will learn to "aim it at the toilet" or something to that effect.

    Either way, I distinctly remember my brand new Nike slip-ons (probably made not far from where I was standing) sloshing into a mix of urine and who knows what else, and continuing to do so for the next three weeks.


    Over the next several days and weeks, we would experience the amazing culture of China, in several different cities. But some things stood out to this germophobic American. I watched a man hock up something from his chest and spit it on the floor, right next to us, in a restaurant. No oysters for me, thanks. I've suddenly lost my appetite.

    We visited a Hutong (inner city — where the locals live) and saw raw chickens, skinned and bleeding, just laying on the floor, waiting to be thrown on a restaurant grill...for public consumption. No FDA or USDA or food inspectors or "codes" to comply with, here. But why? This is the last purely communist country on earth. You'd think there would be red tape everywhere. What was happening here?

    Hamilton thinks there's a greater problem in China than filth, and that's socialism. After taking his new daughter to the hospital and seeing that it was as filthy inside as the streets were outside, he knew what was wrong. When there's only one entity selling health care and that entity is a police state, two things happen — people have no recourse when the system fails, and the system has no incentive to improve:

    I was witnessing the kind of maximum, almost brutal efficiency a society must develop when the state is the master and the individual is merely a subject. Why would a Communist country not have an effective FDA? Because who are you going to complain to if you get tainted food? The government? They don't answer to you. The press? They are owned by the government. And again, they don't answer to you.

    So what if you don't like the conditions in the hospital? Where else are you going to go? This hospital is the last (and only) stop. You can't opt for another place and then just pay out of your own pocket. The government has capped financial upward mobility. There is now "income equality." And that means nobody has the means to buy their way into a different (or better) situation. And even if you could, one doesn't exist. The state provides it all. You're stuck.

  5. #5
    Verified Hobbyist BCD DocHoliday's Avatar
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    In a secret, heavliy defended, underground lair somewhere in the OH2 Badlands
    I think I will concern myself with not getting the flu or an STD from some nasty chick.
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  6. #6
    Verified Hobbyist BCD loco2525's Avatar
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    I agree with doc
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  7. #7
    Verified Hobbyist BCD
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    Quote Originally Posted by DocHoliday View Post
    I think I will concern myself with not getting the flu or an STD from some nasty chick.
    Totally agree. Corona, meh...the Media is creating the panic..

  8. #8
    Verified Hobbyist BCD loco2525's Avatar
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    I know everyone is buying up the water gloves face mask wipes like really brother
    My main skills are talking and making biscuits and getting drunk on the porch
    " Gus McCrae " Some of my favorite ladies for a round up

  9. #9
    Verified Hobbyist BCD rakhir's Avatar
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    I'm thinking keep your powder dry and don't get out of the markets! This is a black swan event that no one could predict and the bigger issue is the Russians trying to get the Saudi's to limit pumping in order to keep their economic growth stable with energy sales into Europe. The Saudi's wouldn't play ball and limit pumping so there is a glut of cheap energy on the market that is causing the bulk of the stock market losses. This translates to cheap energy for the US and more money in the consumer's pocketbook that will continue late into the year even when the corona virus panic is over. Look for signs of rebounding in the markets in the next 2-4 weeks. This will be indication things are beginning to bottom out and it is time to BUY! Most of what you may have lost is on paper any way and its important not to bail so you can take advantage of the rebound. The rest of the economic indicators are still solid and investors are already staking out positions to buy when this does bottom out. The prudent thing to do is keep 2-4 weeks of food and water on hand and work to keep your immune system healthy. Also keep about 4-6 months of ready cash on hand for bills and expenses just in case something stupid does happen like a potential run on the banks by stupid people. The Feds will shut them all down to avoid a crash and your ATM cards will be useless so make sure you can pay your bills sans access to your accounts which will still be there just on lock down. You will not lose anything! Other than that I'm thinking I will be shutting down on the hobby for a number of reasons too numerous to mention here. It just doesn't make sense right now if you take the time to think about it. But that's just me... I'm not advocating any one else follow my example there.

    Yes media is causing the bulk of the panic but I will tell you this... Individuals are intelligent, people are not! Sometimes you just cannot control the herd once it starts to run one way. Best just get out of the way and take care of yourself and no one ever lost anything by by planning for the worst and hoping for the best.

  10. #10
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    Direct Quotes from CDC

    The following two paragraphs are copied and pasted from the CDC website.

    “Pandemics begin with an investigation phase, followed by recognition, initiation, and acceleration phases. The peak of illnesses occurs at the end of the acceleration phase, which is followed by a deceleration phase, during which there is a decrease in illnesses. Different countries can be in different phases of the pandemic at any point in time and different parts of the same country can also be in different phases of a pandemic.

    Situation in U.S.
    Different parts of the country are seeing different levels of COVID-19 activity. The United States nationally is in the initiation phase of the pandemic. States in which community spread is occurring are in the acceleration phase. The duration and severity of each pandemic phase can vary depending on the characteristics of the virus and the public health response.”

    We are not even midway through the phases yet. The CDC literally says the the “duration and severity of each pandemic phase can vary depending on...the public health response.” This means the more we act like it ain’t shit, the more shit is going to hit the fan. The US cleared 50,000 cases and we are nowhere near the peak. If you check out any of the simulations on how a virus spreads, then you know the fact we let it hit 50k so early on in the phases means statistically big numbers are coming if we have a poor response to what is being asked of us by the World Health Organization and CDC.

  11. #11
    The "Guide" In Black ® Mokoa's Avatar
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    Another thread of the same topic merged with this one.
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  12. #12
    Verified Hobbyist BCD
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mokoa View Post
    Another thread of the same topic merged with this one.

    I see a ton of duplicate threads and you decide to grab mine and attach it to a 2 months old thread. Thank you

  13. #13
    Verified Hobbyist BCD
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    Let the virus run its course and those who are not healthy enough will die. Sounds harsh but it's called life.
    600k people die from cancer every year even after spending way too much trying to save themselves and we don't shut the country down until cancer has been cured.
    I before anyone gets crazy I have lost a brother a mother and others to cancer and other diease

  14. #14
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Tx33_averageJoe's Avatar
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    The measures they are taking is not so much about stopping the spread, that is impossible. It is about slowing it to the point our healthcare system does not get overloaded and people who might have lived die. Even though the death rate is low the hospitalization rate is rather high. Now if we let it run its course not only will high risk people die. Under overloaded circumstances they would not even attempt it, but also those that could have lived will die because providers will be forced to triage and decide who has the best chance of living. Those will get treated and live the rest will not and be made comfortable until death. Unless you have a pandemic with an unusually high death rate this is how most die in pandemics. Keep in mind also that the more cases healthcare workers treat the odds increase that they will be taken down as well, at a certain point even if you can treat everyone if ther are too o few healthcare workers left to do so then it compounds and exponentially increases th ed problems already mentioned. It is not simply about just the illness, that is the minor concern. The logistical crisis is what will kill people and not just the elderly or underlying conditions and it won't be tied to just the infected, people who come down with an unrelated illness or emergency would most likely die as well because of the above.
    That being said however, there is a limit to financially how long you can shut everything down and not descend into anarchy because of social collapse either. I do not envy the world/government leaders having to weigh all this. It comes down to do you and what you feel is the best course of action. Most are following guidelines, let's hope it is enough to ward off the really nasty consequences.
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