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Thread: ASPD up or down????

  1. #1
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Doc_rob's Avatar
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    Feb 2009
    San Antonio
    I would like to know if ASPD website up or down. I'm a little confused and a lot concerned that there are now 2 sites for the Hobby with nearly the same info. I am concerned that the NEW ASPD site is a "scam". I am not the only one out here that is a little confused. Please provide some guidance and re-assurance. Can we trust the NEW ASPD site?

    Best regards

  2. #2
    Administrator ck1942's Avatar
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    Always searching for UTR redheads, hot chocolattes & my next cuppa purrfect java
    Can we trust the "new" ASPD site?

    Well, it's still ASPD.NET - back on line with much the same look, the same forums, but with a stronger "inside" set of software, some new hardware, and more of the same on the way.

    More robust, is the way I would describe, but with a few "hiccups" still evident as the internal tweaks (wish I could steal tweets, twitters, etc.) as the rebuilt site gets tested in real time by thousands of members logging in, navigating, and continuing to build the data base.

    With a glaring exception (the hackers managed to wipe out all of my thousands of posts and threads - was I really that verbose!) the entire data base remains intact. 2/3s of all threads and posts are right where they belong. The other hundred thousand are in a holding pattern as the programmers and mods must figure out where the bulk belongs because those were robbed from Locker Rooms, female-only and staff-only forums. They will be restored to their home forums but it will take some time to do so.

    The board owners and staff determined better service to the 140,000 ASPD embers to have the site back up and running with 2/3s of a data base than to continue the repairs and delay the bandwidth.

    I back that decision one hundred percent!

    Some have asked me what happens to Home2? Well, simply put, H2 is here to stay, we'll concentrate on the original mission -- supporting the hundreds who participate in community events (socials) and providing some bandwidth backup for times when ASPD may not be available.

    Home2 has many private forums (and more coming) for which "validation" is a requirement. Meaning that just because someone has BCD or Provider status on ASPD (or elsewhere) they can join Home2, and utilize the normal forums. But there's a couple of extra levels of security and validation beyond that and the validation once completed is required on a continuing basis.

    What's in those "hidden" forums? Nothing fancy, but beyond the normally expected "fellowship," members there are much less constricted and constrained by the normal board community rules. Call it a "coed locker room" if you like; more a series of such than a single place. Much less (virtually zero) moderation, much more openness and more availability for fun on short notice.

    Back to the topic at hand -- ASPD -- it's back, it's bold, it's growing at a clip (close to 100 members a day) that was there before the crash. Yes, there will still be some hiccups along the way, but there's more hardware, more software, more security than ever before and the plan is to grow those in the immediate future (read next few weeks, month) and I do believe that promise is very real.

    LINK! oh2 current situation report

    In these trying times, your patience and support are greatly appreciated. Stay safe out there!

    = = = = =

    Beating the review template gremlin! LINK for hobbyists


    FAQ: OH2's RULES! A Quick Read

    2024 Austin/San Antonio Meet & Greets
    San Antonio - cancelled- new dates TBA


    Ladies, please note:
    ck1942 doesn't vouch for hobbyists.
    -- "Verified hobbyist" is only a title; he should always be screened/vouched
    -- Very aware hobbyists always start a contact process by sending a PM before sending any texts!

  3. #3
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Doc_rob's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    San Antonio
    CK - Thanks for the fast and very complete reply. OK this means that I will have to bookmark both sites. no problem there.

    I see a San Antonio Social comming up soon. Any chance of a Lunch Time Social soon?

    Best regards,

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