Quote Originally Posted by Foreign Becky View Post
So I’ve seen Kai’s apartment...

There’s no where she could “ step out “ to call the client - the walls are thin and if she went outside to call then her neighbors would also possibly hear the conversation.
I personally, would never answer a client call infront if anyone in my personal life - especially not a maintenance man for my landlords !

had the hobbyist only had a small window of time - he should have made that known before sending the deposit

Her building literally has ONE maintenance man, a poor old man that literally has to struggle to fix stacked washers & dryers by himself.... so yes knowing Kai, she would have been in the laundry closet (key word here is closet) trying to help him.

As soon as she could, he got his deposit - and I fully agree with her cancelling because of her behavior - like Doc said, usually other issues there!

Happy new year guys!
So the walls are so thin they could hear her conversation if she stepped outside, but not the smashing that happens in her apartment all day everyday?