Thought I would do a TGIF post. Off work all weekend. I was hoping to spend time with a lovely lady, but it looks like that may not happen. Time to binge movies and just chill. I plan to take a trip to Mt. Bonnell this weekend to meditate and decompress. That is a spiritual place for me.

This is the anniversary of the death of my best friend of 15 years. We shared as much as two heterosexual guys could. The friendship we shared was something that is extremely rare. Today marks the last day we spoke. He passed early Halloween according to the Medical Examiner.

I did receive good news. My prostrate cancer has almost disappeared. For that I am happy. I will continue with the Alternative Medical Treatments as I attribute it to the success.

May all of you have a wonderful weekend. Be safe. No Halloween for this guy, unfortunately. No party’s to go to.