What made aspd so good for us ladies was that it was an open board. The guys could reach us ladies. I know for a fact that the women got most of their buiz from the lurkers and WK's.
This board cuts them out of the picture...thus the women too.
This board being a private board limits itself and severly handicaps the ladies. Thats why we don't care about this board...it's no good to us. We would like to know when the old aspd will be back up. That board worked as far as it got the lurkers and ladies in touch.
This board, well it's killing the ladies and well, they'll leave if they don't get dates.
These are some of the choices us ladies are facing...what site will feed me, what site will be fair, what site will be fun. So there you go guys, not being mean or ugly but we had said one day it would come to this. What do the guys do when the ladies leave because they aren't making the money they need?
Take a look around you guys, the ladies know that there are other sites out there. They've had to go to them. What does this site have to offer us? You look at the big picture and tell us what can you do for us?
Welcome to a provider's life.
On other sites we're the new girls and we're getting the dates. We're also passing along to the other ladies the sites that are good ones to go to.
Are they going to open the old aspd back up? Is it a thing of the past? Is that what this board is, the new aspd?