Date: March 12, 2009
Provider: Jasmine
Phone or Pager: (210) 999-1946
Email Address: None. Send PM to or call Miss Debbie Green
URL / Website: None
City: San Antonio
State: Texas
Area / Address: NE San Antonio
Appointment Type: Incall
Provider Category: With Babydolls, Miss Debbie Green
Activities: CBJ, DATY, CFS
Session Length Scheduled: 1 Hour
Fee: $.5
Total Paid: $.6
Was Tipping or Upselling an issue? No
Was the Description you were given accurate? Yes
Hair Color and Length: Long Dark Hair
Age: 2?
Race: Asian (she said she was korean)
Perfume/Fragrance: Fresh and all Natural
Smoking Status: Could Not Tell Either Way
Where did you hear about this provider? AD on these Board
Provider`s Body: Approximately 5'6". Light skin. Very brown eyes. Full lips. A few non-distracting tattoos. Maybe B's on top. Hips, legs and ass, just beautiful.
What was the Provider's Attitude like? Very inviting, and very sexy!
Comments: Located in the Locker Room.
Would you recommend this Provider to others? Yes!!