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Thread: NBA? not the kind the keeps you black guys from white ****** poon

  1. #1
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Basscat's Avatar
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    NBA? not the kind the keeps you black guys from white ****** poon

    NBA is one of my guilty pleasures. I dont follow closely during the season but come finals/playoffs/championship I like to watch. The thing is I like to keep my political/social issues out of my sport and they are just shoving it down your throat right now. Its got me torn if I am going to watch the rest of the season or not.

    To be honest I am really sick of seeing nothing but negative racial/political debate every single time I turn on a tv.

    I just want to watch basketball without all the other bullshit.

    If you really want to tackle a racial issue take on the other NBA we see around here.

    Keeping with the hoops topic has everybody watched "The last dance" yet? I was in my 20s when Michael was making history so I saw a ton of those games live. Its been so long ago that I kind of forgotten how great he was. There will never be another MJ at least not in my lifetime.

  2. #2
    Verified Hobbyist BCD cocolpz's Avatar
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    I feel the same way. Politics and sports don't mix. Other than the friendly competition/rivalry between teams and fans, sports should unite the people, not divide them. Injecting politics into sports is doing just that; creating more divisions and alienating many (most?) of the fans.
    Just kicking' it

  3. #3
    Verified Hobbyist BCD
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    politics ruin everything. but as far as sports, people sometimes take it way to serious. the Romans created the coliseum to pacify the population, give them something to talk about. and it's still the same today. it's a total trip how some folks identify with teams, they have the shirt, the cup, the coozie, the stickers, the posters, and even the golf cart decked out in you name the team. athlete's had way more class when I was a kid, they had positive messages for young people. I said to hell with the NFL and pretty much all sports after the Saints vs the Vikings playoff game.

  4. #4
    Verified Hobbyist BCD guitar's Avatar
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    I"m no fan of politics neither. I won't watch the evening news hardly at all. Maybe the local news when the weather comes on, but that's about it. But Basscat, I'm with ya. There will never be another Michael Jackson! LOL!!!!

  5. #5
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Basscat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by guitar View Post
    I"m no fan of politics neither. I won't watch the evening news hardly at all. Maybe the local news when the weather comes on, but that's about it. But Basscat, I'm with ya. There will never be another Michael Jackson! LOL!!!!
    Guitar you are so correct. MJ was the fucking man when it came to pop. I wonder if there was any truth to any of the child stuff he was accused of. I personally think no. Neither the home alone kid or the goonies kid have said he ever did anything wrong with them. If he was twisted that way he would have tried to fuck with one of them as much time as he spent with them alone and he never did.

  6. #6
    Verified Hobbyist BCD cocolpz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Basscat View Post
    Guitar you are so correct. MJ was the fucking man when it came to pop. I wonder if there was any truth to any of the child stuff he was accused of. I personally think no. Neither the home alone kid or the goonies kid have said he ever did anything wrong with them. If he was twisted that way he would have tried to fuck with one of them as much time as he spent with them alone and he never did.
    Maybe, but I still don't think it was appropriate for a grown man to sleep on the same bed with children that were not his. JMHO.
    Just kicking' it

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by cocolpz View Post
    Maybe, but I still don't think it was appropriate for a grown man to sleep on the same bed with children that were not his. JMHO.
    Having a pajama party with kids is wrong.
    Why did the parents allow this?

  8. #8
    Verified Hobbyist BCD guitar's Avatar
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    Folks, I was poking back at Basscat. He was talking about basketball and the legend, MJ. He meant, Michael Jordon, and I said I agreed with him, I always liked Michael Jackson, as well. I did like Michael Jackson's music. I grew up in that time and thought he could dance like no other. But I wasn't trying to bring up the child issue part of it. MJ was what I was turning around on Basscat. Just picking on ya, bossman!!!!!!!!!

  9. #9
    Verified Hobbyist BCD cocolpz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by guitar View Post
    Folks, I was poking back at Basscat. He was talking about basketball and the legend, MJ. He meant, Michael Jordon, and I said I agreed with him, I always liked Michael Jackson, as well. I did like Michael Jackson's music. I grew up in that time and thought he could dance like no other. But I wasn't trying to bring up the child issue part of it. MJ was what I was turning around on Basscat. Just picking on ya, bossman!!!!!!!!!
    I know Basscat was talking about Michael Jordan. Jordan was a legend like no other. He played sports and didn't try to use that platform to make political statements. I also remember Michael Jackson's music, especially in the 80s and 90s. He wasn't called the King of Pop for nothing. He was an amazing performer who, unfortunately, made some questionable decisions during his life.
    Just kicking' it

  10. #10
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Basscat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cocolpz View Post
    I know Basscat was talking about Michael Jordan. Jordan was a legend like no other. He played sports and didn't try to use that platform to make political statements. I also remember Michael Jackson's music, especially in the 80s and 90s. He wasn't called the King of Pop for nothing. He was an amazing performer who, unfortunately, made some questionable decisions during his life.
    Guitar we all get where you were coming from. I caught your MJ reference and am a huge fan of both MJ's talents though Jordans god giving talent far surpasses the king of pops. Jordan did it on his own and was great beyond measure even to this day nobody has gotten close to him. Michael Jackson had Quincy Jones guiding him and producing his albums who made a huge impact on his career. I guess you could say Pippen was Jordan's Quincy Jones but to me Jordan would have been a once in a lifetime phenomenon regardless of who the other players on his team were. Plus being great at a sport like basketball at Jordan's level is even tougher than being a great dancer/singer/songwriter like Jackson was.

    I really liked Michael Jackson and I honestly dont think he did anything sexual with any children. I think he was emotionally stunted for whatever reason and had so much money and power that he could isolate himself with young kids and act like a child himself even though he was a grown man and that is very creepy but I dont think he touched kids. Yeah I think he was really twisted but a pedo he was not. I also hate that he had to go though the accusations that he did. That hurts I am sure if your a normal guy who is innocent but I am sure for someone who was so fucked up mentally that he viewed himself as a child I am sure it really fucked with him. The dude was a great talent who should have had an amazing life and I am sure parts of it were for him but I also feel like he was a very sad man who suffered greatly. Regardless of any of that he was an amazing talent also but not anywhere near the level of Jordan. Jordan is a beast and every person who meets him should bow at his feet and offer their gratitude.

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    Bill Russell and Billy Joel.

    There. I said it.

    As much as I admire MJ's shot generation and Thriller, damn that MJ guy sure did good at different things, Bill Russell and Billy Joel are the respective kings of their fields. Or Elvis.

    Yea, Bill Russell and Elvis.

    Though that Magic guy did give the Birdman fits.

    PS: Back to p***** discussions.

  12. #12
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    Your comments are misguided and ill informed as usual as it relates to politics and social justice. The NBA players stance is not political; its humanitarian. I knew from the thread title you didnt get it. Making a joke of those who have died because of the color of their skin. The same color of most of the NBA. Who cares about you not watching the game. This is life or death. NOT A GAME!

  13. #13
    Verified Hobbyist BCD cocolpz's Avatar
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    Please delete post.
    Last edited by cocolpz; 09-17-2020 at 06:43 PM.
    Just kicking' it

  14. #14
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Basscat's Avatar
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    Baldbrotha we all were entitled to our own opinion. I personally like my sports without any kind of message attached to it. Just give me the game without any kind of message.

    As for your remarks about me making a joke of those who have died because of the color of their skin I dont see it that way. I see people dying because they dont comply with lawful orders giving by law enforcement. I personally have yet to see video of the police killing anyone who complied with their commands. There might be some out there that I am not aware of but I have yet to come across any. The closest was the murder of George Floyd. I say murder because that is what happened to him. He was murdered. I cant say it was because of the color of his skin or not I have no idea what was going on in the mind of the cop who killed him. I can also say that had he complied when the police arrived he would be alive right now. Does that mean I support the police killing him. No. I do not nor does any decent human being I know. However I do wish he had complied from the start so that none of what transpired since would have every happened.

    As crazy as it might sound I support law enforcement and feel they are getting a raw deal. I have known a lot of cops over the years and the large majority of them were/are good people. I like law and order. I want the prisons full of criminals and the streets clear of them. I dont even like the thought of what things would be like if there were no law enforcement to keep order. So call me crazy but I think we need more cops with better salaries and bigger jails to house even more knuckle heads who dont comply with lawful orders giving by police officers. I want police to be able to use deadly force whenever necessary and am a proponent of non lethal force for those who are not armed yet still refuse to comply. Call me crazy but I think we are all better off no matter our race with a well armed and trained police force.

    Dont get me wrong I know there is racism. I have black friends who have been targeted by police just because they are black. I am sure if I were in their shoes I would be pissed off about it too. I just dont think defunding the police or looting and riots are the answer. There must be a better way.

    I just want to watch sports and not have any message forced on me.

  15. #15
    Registered Male (Not Verified) DeCarlos 73's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by baldbrotha1 View Post
    Your comments are misguided and ill informed as usual as it relates to politics and social justice. The NBA players stance is not political; its humanitarian. I knew from the thread title you didnt get it. Making a joke of those who have died because of the color of their skin. The same color of most of the NBA. Who cares about you not watching the game. This is life or death. NOT A GAME!
    Just admit you're a radical Leftist tearing down a civil society with this 'social justice' Trojan Horse. White cops killing black criminals who don't comply with law enforcement, BS. Why are they in a confrontation with a police officer in the first place? I guess this is the best the Left has trying to prove racism still exists in America today.

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