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Thread: review of Rosie Palm

  1. #1
    Registered Male (Not Verified) tcreative2's Avatar
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    to your right a little, now down a touch
    Not being able to find the phone numbers for, nor able to PM any of the girls on my list I had to stoop to the what's at hand category. Rosy was available and willing so I decided that even though she's a bit worn and rugged looking I'd try another session with her. I'll admit that she's pretty masculine for my taste but desperate times call for easing my normal pickyness. She's been around so long she has calluses on her naughty bits and her nails are always in terrible shape. It's odd that even though she's downright homely she always seems to be able to get me excited. Because I'd seen her so many times screening was not a problem and she was there and ready to go immediately. The price was right too. As is our normal custom a barter arrangement was agreed upon with me agreeing to provide all the lotion she needed for a month and she would in turn relive me with a no frill quicky. She showed up naked so all that was left was for her to begin was to unzip my fly and pull out my member. For this session I dedcided to be a little kinky and I sat on the john wih her in my lap. The HJ was so-so ......... mechanical and every move was predictable but she kept at it and never quit till I was finished. She always stays with it to the end and milks every last drop. She lets me come where every my fancy dictates and never hurries off to clean up.
    One of the nicest qualities about Rosie is she's extremely quiet. She never wastes session time with idle chatter and never gossips. There's never an upsell attempt and never a complaint. She never blinks when I think up something kinky. She does what ever I ask, how ever I want it and after she's done she does an excellent job of clean up. She's also always agreeable to multiple shots. She'll keep trying till I give up and her attitude never sours and I never have to deal with frustration or annoyance if I finish too quickly. She never rushes me and she never gets annoyed if the second or third attempt takes too long and starts to appear futile. She stays within arms reach till I'm ready to move on to something else.
    I'm going to give Rosie a yes recommendation with conditions. Rosie and I have known each other for a very long time so I get special treatment. If any of you other hard legs out there want to try her my guess is it's going to be prohibitively expensive and give a whole new meaning to HDH. I'm sure if you just check out what's at hand you'll be able to do as well yourself a whole lot cheaper.

  2. #2
    yardape's Avatar
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    Rosie's kinda gross but I did manage to preserve SOME better tel #'s. I'm not greedy.
    Trust yourself.

  3. #3
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Monk Rasputin's Avatar
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    Lotsa cherries on this Noah's Ark board. And today I am popping the baloney sandwich cherry. With a little style, as is befitting tc2, but deli baloney nevertheless. This sure looks like a self-post.

    Живи и жить давай другим
    “Live and let live”

  4. #4
    Verified Hobbyist BCD ezman's Avatar
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    very near Austin
    Aaaa... aa f L a C

  5. #5
    Think I saw her tonight also-great girl-does just as I like- thanks for the review- got to see her sister- rosie leftpalm
    Saying something and having something to say are two very different things!!!!

  6. #6
    Verified Hobbyist BCD NippleLuvinFreak's Avatar
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    That bitch woke me up first thing this morning.
    "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it." Ferris Bueller

  7. #7
    Verified Hobbyist BCD cupofjava's Avatar
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    Feb 2009
    Great review TC!

    Rosie is fastly becoming a board favorite. Rosie just pops out of nowhere at odd times but always provides. Unfortunately my SO busted me "Red-Handed" just the other night!!
    Hobby explorer in search of the perfect callipygian

  8. #8
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Capital_G's Avatar
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    Guess we all have our favorite. Here's mine, "Fistina":

    *** Capital_G | LV, NV - Twitter/X: Capital_G_LV ***

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    North Austin
    As an expert at "keeping the relationship fresh" (while in the Army, I put a 5 spot in a jar every time I had a date with Rosie;result was a 2 year old Camaro) I suggest you hang your arm over the edge of a table, cutting off the circulation. When your arm and hand are well "asleep", it's party time with a new love. If you had the foresight to heavily moisturize your hand, you might even think it's a girl's.

  10. #10
    Verified Hobbyist hardriver's Avatar
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    Rosey and I like to curl up with a good bedtime story. I&#39;ve got an extra copy for anyone who needs one B)

    Never appeal to a man's "better nature" as he may not have one. Invoking his self-interest gives you more leverage. ~ Lazarus Long

  11. #11
    melts in your mouth, not in your hand. chocolatedaddy's Avatar
    Join Date
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    The ho' stroll
    Me and Rosie are practically married we&#39;ve been fucking for almost 2 decades... ;)

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    North Austin
    Me and Rosie had a fight. I cheated on her with............................a girl! (and beleive me, I need to cheat more!!!)

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