Quote Originally Posted by kind69 View Post
Extremely flawed analysis and harmful advice. Urge everyone reading this to do the exact opposite of what this guy is recommending. Unbelievable
Extremely flawed? That's your comment?? Wonder which of my detractors this registered male with 9 posts could possibly be (doesn't take me too many guesses)

You offer no reasoning, no data, no hypotheses of your own. Further I don't really offer too much "advice" on what you should/shouldn't do. If you had read it you would know that. I do offer a tiny bit of that in the conclusions. However, you are horribly offer the mark if you think the research is faulty. It wasn't about "advice" so much as it was about the other scientific viewpoints and why that has caused a major issue from a scientific, political, and psychological aspect.

I'll bet you can't even explain to me how this makes people sick. How it either similar to H1N1 or is dissimilar. I'll bet you can't. You even get the benefit of getting to use Google and I *still* bet you can't properly explain it.

The overwhelming issue here, and the really crappy thing, is this is now largely a psychological matter, one of a form of mass delusional panic.
That was the point about car accidents too. TA was right above (with some caveats to the actual danger level). However, the point is you don't worry about that b/c you don't constantly hear people talking about it. You don't worry about a freak brain hemorrhage or blood clot or diabetic shock or heat stroke if you go play basketball on a super hot day, etc... b/c you have accepted the risk level of all of these various things in your life. Are they risks? Yes. The relative risk though is so ridiculously low that making it such a huge issue is the problem. What's happening is people like yourself are listening to media, you are fearful, you are convinced this is a horrible apocalyptic killer.

Do you know that science can't even point to anything in our history where there has been a "so-called" second wave with respiratory illnesses? There isn't any such thing. You can read numerous data on this fact. Dr. Knut Wittkowski went to great length in his 1.5hr debate to discuss how absurd the notion is b/c we don't have any data to support it. And we have 12 pandemic respiratory pathogenic outbreaks since ~1918. We've had 2 or 3 with H1N1 B. There is no such thing as some "second wave". NEVER EVER has any respiratory distress pathogen in modern history across ~12-15 epidemic/pandemics causes such a stir in society. Never.

The "flaw" is in the massive social movement to stigmatize this as some sort of crazy killer unlike any other. There is simply no evidence whatsoever to support that claim. Not within the perspective of known respiratory infections and other ailments and their relative dangers. Nothing. Do we KNOW if antibodies will last? No. However, to print stories as if there is an idea they won't (particularly based on really fast studies where the veracity of data is in question) and make it sound as if they will all the sudden somehow act different than ALL of the ones we know about in the past (which include coronaviruses btw - back to the 1960s) is absurd. We do need more research. Yes. We need to stop panicking people though. This is not going to kill a zillion people. That's just silly. It's not even a blip on the leading causes of death now. Not even a blip. Doesn't even register within the top 10-15 currently not even as a sliver that you can visibly notice on a bar chart when shown to scales!

This is mostly panic. Plain and simple. Many of the people don't even know they are pare of that panic culture. It's subconscious.

Why didn't something like this movement of panic occur with HIV? You only have to look at the issue if information exchange (as the psychiatrist talks about earlier in my research), social viral phenomenons, highly polarized political climates with massive agendas (learn about "cancel culture" and you will see a similar type of thing there - people who can't speak out about their true beliefs for fear of persecution among a blind society of people following a "social media herd" - yes, that's a whole other issue people). This is real. We are entering an age of extreme delicate nature with the flow of information. In fact, I've been working on it for a few years now with some long standing theories I have in that arena. I even want to launch a project which could end up being "Facebook" or "Google" big if it took off right. It might not be me or my colleagues that do it finally, but I'll bet you my own progeny that *someone* does it. It's TOO important b/c of what is going on. I won't say more on that b/c it's extremely proprietary information and IP.

If you can even give me one example of why you believe it's a flawed analysis and back it up with data, coherent thought, obvious understanding of the biochemical process, and knowledge of research studies on the various preprint and medical journal platforms (even if it's surface level) then I will entertain that debate with you. Until then? You post amounts to, "nah nah boo boo... I don't think you are right.... I don't like you.... and my daddy is smarter than yours too, so there! *blows raspberry*". You want to debate it? I'll debate it. But you didn't offer a single shred of reasoning as to why. I have offered tons. And again, what you do with your personal safety is your business, my point was about the veracity of data coming out of media and that the common theme is panic/fear mongering about a viral strain (which has happened NUMEROUS times throughout our history with no evidence to the contrary of some apocalyptic or serious killer effect - other than that we "notice" deaths easier now for any given "new" situation - another aspect of the info age). That's the bad part. The fear is completely and totally unwarranted. Completely. In every way, every shape, every form. Absolutely unwarranted.

EDIT: Camela, I didn't see your new post until I was done. I will come back and add my thoughts. Good questions. Promise I will come back and do it. Got sidetracked with this post (LOL). I will come back today and make an edit.