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Thread: So. Who’s more neurotic?! Let’s compare COVID preventative measures & neurosis?!

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    So. Who’s more neurotic?! Let’s compare COVID preventative measures & neurosis?!

    Forget about the hobby. What are y’all doing to help keep yourselves safe & sane?!

    I’ll share my neurotic list & rituals, if you do! Lol. I’ll go first...

    Prevention- oh lawd. Y’all don’t judge me.

    Every day:

    Emergen-C or airborne packets (not gummies)
    Vitamin D- highest amount iu daily otc
    Organic Crushed Garlic- every day I put some in a gel capsule & swallow ;)
    Super vitamin B complex- good for my stress & anxiety levels
    Magnesium- CALM brand- anxiety attacks? Can’t sleep? Need to be regular?
    Studies have found this little gem to work most or as good as antidepressants or anxiety meds (for some)
    Fish oil- burpless
    Amino acids- collagen peptides
    Organic raw turmeric
    Organic raw local honey
    Cocunut oil- anti viral, fungal, bacterial.
    Organic Echinacea drops
    Organic foods, drinks, wellness shots

    Air filters & purifiers w uv lights- top of line & switched out every 30 days
    Bleach- you just can’t go wrong with bleach & hot water. This has become my new holy water!!
    Lysol spray and wipes- everything gets wiped down daily. Interior doors stay open. Don’t you dare touch my door handles lol!! Hobby related- that shit is getting set up and torn down like a surgical procedure and/or crime scene. Call me crazy but I don’t care!! Better safe then sorry.
    N95 masks- got em
    Hot water and soap, wash ya hands all day erry day & don’t touch your face!
    Don’t wear stupid gloves if you don’t know how to not cross contaminate
    Alcohol- 65 to 70% everywhere at all times

    Mentally- listen to music, sunshine every day, light exercise (outside the gym)stay the F away from most people, limit news intake, avoid most places and things that are germy and/or unnecessary.

    Finally- prepare for the worst, but let go & let god & continue living in peace, one day a time.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2020
    Work day:
    I work in an office, thank god it's cubicles not open-source.
    Facemask at all times unless I'm at my desk.
    Hand sanitizer anytime I get up from or come back to said desk.
    Commute is short enough that I come home for lunch every day.

    Rest of the time:
    Lots of sleep... whenever I can get it.
    Was exercising a lot, alone, until the heat got real.
    No supplements, too lazy.
    Basically a hermit socially.


    Only see one or two trusted UTR providers who take COVID very seriously (not just lip-service... no pun intended); who aren't
    currently dependent on hobby income for necessities; don't tour/hobby-travel anymore; and thus are very low-volume.
    For the foreseeable future, not seeing touring ladies or regular ad-placers.

  3. #3
    Verified Companion Companion lovingcamela's Avatar
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    I don’t feel neurotic to be honest. Most of my health habits were already in place. It’s more a matter of how covid as changing my life.

    I eat organic, no processed foods and shop at the farmers market which is great because it is outdoors. I make my own sauerkraut, corn tortillas, salsa, tamales, flax seed crackers, hemp milk.... Anything I can to make my food as fresh and process free as possible. One thing I added is going to get IV immunity drips that include vitamin C, glutathione, selenium, zinc and Vitamin D.

    I hike a lot since I have more free time. Now I’m challenging myself to do daily yoga. Then there is the usual of hand washing and mask wearing.

    The hobby has really changed for me. I only offer fbsm and we must wear masks only seeing about an average of 3 people a week. After an appointment I spray my mouth with this nasty tasting copper spray because copper can kill a corona virus and then suck on a horse sized zinc lozenge per recommendation of this nutritionist I follow. Side note...with the garlic we are supposed to crush it and let it sit in the air for 15 minutes before eating. I can’t remember why...

    I created new ventures with my artistic creative side so I don’t have to be in person with someone. I’ve gotten used to be reclusive and spending a lot of time alone, but it was starting to get to me so I got a part time job, just one a day week. It’s so great to leave my apartment and I feel sooo good when I’m done. Essentially, it’s like a mental health day.
    Southwest Austin Companion, High Quality FBSM
    FSBM 240/hr ~ Companion dates 400/hr
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    P313094 I have a NO review policy. NO EXPLICIT MESSAGES

  4. #4
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    I was already doing all the supplements minus the echinacea, probiotics & crushed garlic, every day. I’m already a loner, extroverted introvert that pretty much requires a lot of alone time, anyway, so I’m good with that. I do get lonely for intelligent conversation & companionship, but have friends for that. Thank God, I don’t depend on the hobby, or I’d be a hot mess. However, I will say, I made a terrible decision in investing on a posh incall too soon. I’m not seeing the ROI, I anticipated, as it’s a balancing act of mutual health concerns, safety, logistics & more overhead. Rona has impacted my real world job(s), to the point, I left my main chosen profession, until things settle down.
    I’m safer providing one on one with my trusted regulars and keeping it to minimum that works for me, than I would be working in my chosen profession right now.
    I’m dreading winter and a bit fearful of the change in weather with elderly family and an asthmatic.

    As far as online services line webcam & videochat etc. I finally have the capabilities, but I have no clue what I’m doing in the realm and not afraid to say, “I’m tech challenged!”

    I’m looking forward to the day it’s safe to return to sanctuary yoga and start bjj or Krav Maga, run freely about Lady Bird or the beautiful swimming holes in the hill country and float down the river near Texas State campus.

    As far as taking sanitization seriously, I think everyone, in the hobby, who’s still active needs to learn about universal precautions, cross contamination, set up & tear down of medical procedures & be honest etc. I don’t care who ya see, just don’t lie about it. Transparency is a must while maintaining discretion. It’s a bitch, this Rona. ;( Preparing for, cleaning up & sterilizing/sanitizing takes me as much time as a session. Smh.

    Watching Austin & everywhere else’s crime skyrocket, people sinking into lower energies & further disparity, really tugs at my heart strings while putting me on hyper vigilant alert has been the worst for me. I don’t even bother with the news or media anymore. I don’t feel like anyone really knows what to do or what they’re doing. Even if they did, we’d be the last to know, so...whattayagonna do? Shrug. Life must go on.

    I hate to say it, but if I’m gonna hobby, you damn sure better wash your hands, be as neurotic even a bit more than me about it and if you’re not, I’d probably have to question why ya weren’t, a little.

    I waiver back n forth as to how I cope and feel about the entire thing. Mostly if Rona were a person, I’d need bail money. Lol. I digress.
    Last edited by The Infamous One; 08-01-2020 at 04:55 AM.

  5. #5
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    Jun 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by NikkiFamme View Post
    Watching Austin & everywhere else’s crime skyrocket, people sinking into lower energies & further disparity, really tugs at my heart strings while putting me on hyper vigilant alert has been the worst for me.
    It really is heartbreaking on so many levels. Seeing some people who feel the need to take further risks in the face of increased danger just to make ends meet--while knowing deep down that they know better--is very difficult to watch. I have a secure job with excellent healthcare. I can't imagine going through all this without that!

    Quote Originally Posted by NikkiFamme
    I hate to say it, but if I’m gonna hobby, you damn sure better wash your hands, be as neurotic even a bit more than me about it and if you’re not, I’d probably have to question why ya weren’t, a little.

    ps--I forgot one other hobby precaution I'm taking: a minimum of two weeks between each session with a provider.

  6. #6
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Lovinglifeinaustin's Avatar
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    My covid preventative measures

    Frequent hand washing
    Working from home
    No more hobbying until I get a vaccine.
    Loving life in Austin

  7. #7
    Registered Male (Not Verified)
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    Quote Originally Posted by NikkiFamme View Post
    Finally- prepare for the worst, but let go & let god & continue living in peace, one day a time.
    This pandemic has brought out the worst and the best in all of us. I've personally lost (1) a family friend, and more recently, (2) a family member. I've been yelled at in restaurants for wearing a mask (yeah, I'm in a high-risk group with "underlying health conditions") and I've had deep, meaningful conversations with people that under normal conditions, I'd probably treat politely but not pay much attention to. (Waiter at a new and EXCELLENT Italian restaurant in my 'hood and a service rep in a call center in the East Coast.)

    I see other people losing jobs, health, lives. Every blow that life can deliver, hits them. And I see them stand strong and with a little help, reinforce the HUMANITY in all of us. I take strength from those who have lost much more than I have and try to be kind to those who use the pandemic to justify their hatred toward others. I take deep breaths and am aware of birds singing and the bright blue of the sky. I don't know if I will come through this or not and in a strange way, don't care. HUMANITY will make it through. Of that I am certain.

    Oh, and I have Bob Marley on constant loop on Pandora. "Don't cha worry, about a thing, 'cause every little thing will be all right..."

    Thank you for your moment of peace in a 24 X 7 barrage of cray-cray, hate, and fear.

  8. #8
    Verified Hobbyist BCD mathguy's Avatar
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    Good stuff Nikki and Camela! You both mentioned things that are good measures to keep you healthy and clean. Many of those things should be done on a regular basis anyway. Also, as Camela mentions, we don't necessarily need to be neurotic.

    As I've said before, honestly anyone under 50-55, even about 60, especially if you're healthy with no concomitant concerns, really doesn't have a reason in the world to be "worried" (not when put in perspective to many other things). However, the health practices mentioned are always a good idea.

    Oh, and Nikki, your final comment in the original post is perfect! xoxo

  9. #9
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    Jun 2020
    Spread the virus you fools...if you are healthy why give a fuck about any other human...

    it will just be the piece of shit lying male or stupid kunt lying female who is saved but who was really saved?

  10. #10
    Retired Companion
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    Quote Originally Posted by drqwerty View Post
    Spread the virus you fools...if you are healthy why give a fuck about any other human...

    it will just be the piece of shit lying male or stupid kunt lying female who is saved but who was really saved?

    Well, aren’t you just a big ol’ bucket of sunshine on a cloudy day?

  11. #11
    BANNED - failure to respect community rules-- again!
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    Lightbulb It's PROVEN to WORK....

    I just fuck HOT women and drink COLD beer...No MASK No RUBBER BTW.
    Last edited by Vanilla Gorilla; 10-09-2020 at 05:30 PM.

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