Quote Originally Posted by grand1001 View Post
I am against abortion. First off, it's not up to us to decide when a person lives or dies.
Killing off your own population is a civilization in decline.

Six million died in the holocaust and 60 million kids have been killed since the early 70's here in America.

I am very concerned about the black on white crime. It's a much, much higher percentage than white people committing crimes against black people and white people murdering black people.

Again, and as many people have stated, including many, many black people...this is only an issue when a white person kills a black person.

There are better ways to handle things instead of burning down towns, destroying businesses(mainly minority owned), vandalizing Churches, and killing people.

I don’t remember “all lives matter” being there when the planned Parenthood in Colorado was shot up. I don’t remember all lives matter being there when Dylan Roof shot up a black church in Carolina while preaching the same thing you are saying. You don’t care about all lives. You care that black people are wanting equality. You’re worried about fetuses (not people) that have not been born yet but have done nothing about the children (Alive and born) that are in cages at the border.

You have an issue with vandalism of property but don’t care about the lives stolen by police. Black and white isn’t the issue (Freddie gray) it is a police brutality issue.

Also, in 2013 the difference in white on black crime and black on white crime was 5%. Not the “much higher” lie you’re pushing.
Compared to the police murder rate of blacks being killed over 50% as often by police despite being only 13% of the population. You don’t think all lives matter, you just don’t like black people.

Also, killing people? You mean like the alt right asshole who drove into a crowd to kill peaceful protesters???

Your “it’s not us to decide who lives or dies” is kind of a front too. It’s ok for the POLICE to decide who lives or dies, but when it comes to fetuses (not people) a woman’s body is in YOUR hand to decide? It just feels disingenuous. If all lives matter you would be upset about other things, instead you just complain about black people and want to control women’s bodies.

Using YOUR logic however, if “all lives matter” that means that black lives matter. So you agree, black lives matter.